PPP, PTI reject Punjab’s anti-people budget


The Pakistan People’s Party Punjab chapter on Saturday slammed the Punjab government for presenting a fraud budget for the fiscal year 2012-13.
PPP Punjab Secretary Information Raja Amir Khan said the budget was not according to the expectations of the people. He said the people could not forget “laptop scheme” as billion of rupees of the national exchequer was looted in its garb.
He said the PML-N did not have the ability or the honesty to carry out any project successfully. PPP MNA and PM’s son Abdul Qadir Gilani also rejected the Punjab budget, saying the Punjab government had failed to provide relief to the common man.
“Allocations for mega projects are mere eyewash as the government does not have funds to accomplish the task,” he said. PPP Women Wing Lahore President Faiza Malik said the focus of the Punjab budget was to increase “commissions” for PML-N leaders.
She said the Punjab government had not allocated a single penny for the poor, adding that the PPP would protect the rights of the people and would not let the anti-masses budget be approved by the provincial assembly. Faiza said the province was in debt due to poor policies of the rulers.
Adviser to the President on Punjab Affairs Naveed Chaudhary said the Punjab government had presented a budget that was against the aspirations of the people.
The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf also rejected the Punjab budget, calling it “anti-people”.
PTI leaders Ishtiaq Malik, Rana Akhtar and others said the budget had nothing to offer to the poverty-stricken people.
They said that 20 percent pay raise could not help government employees grapple with the current inflationary trends.
“No relief has been given to the common man,” they added


  1. well PTI is not part of either opposition or government so whether they object or accept is not going to make much of a difference. While PPP wa bound to do so for N did the same in national budget. I seriously think both of them even tried to look at the budet parameters. Making ruckus was an SOP!

  2. PTI makes sense, as it is the opposition of both PPP and PMLn and it rebuked federal budget as well, but PPP's stance does not make any sense, as the mukmuka in senate elections and bye elections proves that both are two sides of one coin!.. 🙂

  3. I donot think that even minister which presented bugdet can understand it. It is always a very technical and complicated document, and even experts takes time to understand it. So without going into details how a person belongs to N or P can reject or appriciate budget. In developed countries budget takes longest debate share of the parliment. Stupidity speaks loudly in our lower house especially.

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