MQM chief flays Peshawar blast


Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Chief Altaf Hussain has condemned the blast in a bus in Peshawar killing several people, including women and a child, and causing serious injuries to many others. Altaf Hussain expressed his profound grief and sorrow over the loss of lives in the blast and said that the terrorists were working against the country by killing innocent people, according to a statement issued by MQM here on Friday. Altaf Hussain prayed to Almighty Allah to rest the people killed in the blast in eternal peace and give courage and patience to the grief-stricken family members to bear the irreparable loss.
He called upon the government to take notice of the blast and bring the perpetrators to book. He said that every effort should be made to protect the life and property of the public and exemplary punishment should be given to the terrorists and their sponsors.


  1. Here comes the greatest statesman Pakistan has produced. The Pakistan Today loves to publish this portrait. I wish this man is barred from taking part in the politics as he holds dual nationality. At least one thing is clear that this man can never hold public office in Pakistan should he try for. After all his goebbels keep trumpeting that he was the most popular leader of the country,

  2. Zardari has spoken again from his hide out in London. This has become a habit with him. No one believes what this man person who living on money acquired from corruption and extortion from poor people of Pakistan and also from British Tax payers. What a way to live.

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