And now Veena endorses homosexuality


Previously, Hollywood celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga stood up for the equality of every citizen. However, this time controversy’s favourite child Veena Malik, who rose to fame during her stint in the Bigg Boss house, has voiced her support for the LGBT community, as the actress believes everyone has the right to live their life on their own terms and nobody should invade someone’s personal space.
In a statement, Veena says, “I’m all for homosexuality, and I don’t feel awkward supporting the LGBT community. I personally feel every person has the right to live their life on their own terms and nobody should interfere in their personal life. I’m glad people have opened up and are game to discuss sexual orientation now. Soon, they will be in a mindset to accept homosexuality as well.”


  1. He had learnt the art of publicity, he wana be famous by hook or by crook. He often performs such a publicity stunts to acquire the global attention like the recent statement regarding homosexuality. And it is very difficult to keep media apart from such a controversial statements issued by celebrities like Veena as such a stories drag the attention of peoples.

    • You seem to be a simple and innocent guy.Media is commercial minded. It will never stop for keeping up rating. No morality in business, whatever you hear is hypocracy. Both media and Veena are each other’s need for upgrading business. Media businessmen both will sell anything that will profiteer.

    • you are correct brother Jazak Allahu Khair. Muslims must control the media and then use it responsibly and not allowed capitalists to exploit media to corrupt muslim lands and serve their own purposes. Pakistan is suffering because of western secular democracy

  2. Is she actually that important that she is worth a mention in Pakistan Today, not to mention a story!

  3. People who earn celebrity status consequently become opinion leaders. Their opinion matters. It is only a question of some people accepting those views. Homosexuality is many times less evil than Rs 62 billion scams, target killings, bombs killing 22 people. It is not the same as lying and defrauding people of their hard earned money. It is strange that sin is condemned more loudly than massacre and massive corruption.

    • Good point, Lahori1. Sexual 'deviance' receives such negative attention as if it was at the root of Pakistan's problems. Corruption, violence, oppression, etc., are condemned less by the mainstream public.

  4. The point at hand is that the Media is allowed to report on these kind of issues. The media has been allowed to be solely driven by profit and report stories which go against our Islamic values. We are a Muslim country and the media should be in line with our deen and way of life. It is not just the media that is faulty and ugly, but the very political system which allows such media organisations to exist. The Khilafat system is needed in Pakistan; this system will allow independent media organisations to operate but on the islamic foundations.

    • Excuse me, is Pakistan an Islamic country? How so? Do the Pakistani rulers, the majority of the ruling elite and the masses practice Islam? Can you practice Islam while taking and giving bribes, supporting inequaltity and injustice, oppressing and exploiting the poor people, committing heinous acts, etc.? Do you think the Khilafat system would change the character of the rulers? Do you think Zardari would make a good Khalifa? And, by the way, check your history, after the first few Khalifas, the rest acted like most rulers and eventually, they simply became khalifa in name, the real power went to military people.

    • I think sometimes it is our values as a nation that are faulty and ugly! hypocrisy at its best..

  5. Judging by the comments to this article, it appears that Pakis are full of hate and jelousy against whoever opposes their beliefs. Whenever they dont like something, they cry "we are a muslim country" while allowing rape, muder, corruption, extortion and all sorts of other crimes but cant tolerate independence of women and freedom of thought.

    A nation such as this has it's days numbered. No wonder you guys are one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

    • Muhammad – This is Extremist thinking from the Liberal. People talk about the religious extremism, but todays world the EXTREMISM originates from Liberalism and they use all sort of military and economic warefare who are against them.

      Your comments are based on partial knowledge of the society, Pakistani women are most liberated and independent, have you ever studied the western societies?

      Are you interpreting liberation as sexual freedom, living with partner etc.

      • Muhammad's comments are true and is a testament that people have varying opinions in Pakistan. I have lived in Pakistan all my life now i have moved abroad. Now as i donto live in pakistan I can walk in the street without being gwaked, followed or wistled at and i know you will say its because i wore unacceptible clothes or did something, but i wore hijab and kept my my eyes down.I love Pakistan and miss it and hope that Pakistan becomes a place where women can live alone and feel safe if they dont have any family without being harrased everyday.

    • your name (or screen name) contradicts your beliefs and ur misplaced opinion of Pakistan. Modesty brings nothing but good. Veena Malik and her stupidity are not independence of women and freedom of thought. Pakistan is an islamic country alhamdulilah. all countries have problems but that does not mean that uneducated people like you criticise it. Having said that i would like to see ur reaction when your mother, sister, daughter tell you they are lesbians and your wife tells you she is sleeping around and that its all an INDEPENDANT act..
      May allah guide you and please if you have such misplaced views change your name (or screen name) to something more indicative of your perversity.
      Allah hu Akbar

      • Sometimes I think finding morality in our nation is like searching for corn in a shit,you will find a little..but is it really worth looking?..The sooner I can leave for U.K the better!

    • Pakistan is not an exclusively Muslim country. There are non-Muslim Pakistani citizen. Should they all be "banned" and their right to live in Pakistan be terminated? And why do you think Veena is not a Muslim while not similarly condeming the bribe-taking government officials, torture-practicing policemen, murderers, etc.?

  6. Its her life you all…. she is the one who will face her creator… why are you all worried about her… Pakistanis love to criticize and complain and dont look at their own actions 🙂

    • Yes it is her own life, but she should keep her feelings to her self and not become the devils advocate. When she comes out in the open and supports homosexuality, a unnatural act which the majority people of Pakistan would never want their children to become, her statements do make dents in the child's mind and hence are dangerous. Yes she will face her Creator one day, but her Creator has said that when ever you see immorality try to stop it with your hands, if you are weak and cannot do that then try to stop with your tongue i.e. speak out against , and if you cannot do even that then try to feel the disgust of the act in your heart, and that will be the least one can do, and the least of Eeman in oneself.

    • I agree. we alI should look at our own actions and deeds before we criticize others. However, we must call wrong "wrong" even if it is done by ourselves.
      Our Beloved Prophet ( peace be upon him ) said the worst person in the world is he/she who does not call wrong "wrong" .

      All bad (sinful) things prevalent in pakistani society are taken as norm and practiced by almost all . Allah SWT may guide us.

  7. No comments on her personal affairs, time will tell no one on earth is for ever and no pleasure or fame last to ultimate all decay???????????

  8. The simple-mindedness of the common folk of Pakistan never ceases to amaze me. Yes we get it, you're a Muslim. Bravo to you, you'll go to your imaginary heaven with your imaginary god after you die, and we won't. It's fine.

    Not that I take Veena seriously, but she has actually taken the proper stance. Just because your Islam says homosexuality is wrong, doesn't make it true for the majority, i.e. the rest of the whole wide world. Homosexuals have a right to live their lives as they please. They aren't harming anyone or infringing on anyone else's rights. The most you should be concerned with is whom you marry. It's not like gays are running around the streets tossing AIDs grenades everywhere!

    Here's an argument for you: Suppose you say that Pakistan is a Muslim country and homosexuality is allowed. Now suppose everyone agrees to that and every gay person is banned. Wouldn't it be fair if the people of, say France, banned the burqa? It's not a Muslim country and that goes against their values. Why do you cry then?

    Hopefully we'll see a steady decline in this fascist Islamism that has pretty much taken the form of global terrorism. I do hope, for your sakes, that one day Islam becomes an accepting religion, where people can live peacefully with the rest of the world and not try to force their ideals down everyone else's throats.

    • it hards matters if anyone like you follows islam or not….if you are so irritated with your religion.get lost!

    • To be a homo or a lesbian is someones private matter to me at least although immoral it be, but if that person has an eye on your son/daughter or brother/sister would you feel the same way just think?
      I object to her letting out her inner feelings in the open for the immature minds who have already a big challenge ahead in this miserable world. Do we want our next generations to become like the tale-less cats their fellow species in the west are?

    • Dear True Pakistani, I am so happy to know that there are people in Pakistan who have the ability to think the way you do. I donot understand how Muslims can have so much hatred. Even if people donot agree with veena , who gives them the right to say that she should die. If you ask a non-religious person if he/she has a problem with people who follow religion he/she will probably say no people can do what they like. But why cant religious people let others live as they choose to… Go Veena!!!

    • You are truely misguided. We must have guts to call wrong what is wrong. You are misinformed too. It is not Islam alone but all revealed faiths call that practice wrong. ( "Sodom and Gomarrah" are mentioned in BIBLE not in QURA'N. It is only a matter of opening your eyes and heart to the TRUTH.

  9. Who is she? who watch his movies? half of Pakistan never see this lady. Come on, skip it and don't waste your time

  10. Now I am waiting for the news when she catches aids. personally I am of the opinion P.T should such news.

  11. u guys are stupid people, who lack a sense of openness, look at the number of hijras and homo communities thriving in pakistan, as such our country has allowed it under cover, why the hell u Hippocrates shout now.. its our culture that created these communities, and what a shit, we dont have courage to admit them to be part of us?

  12. I am surprised that in any of the comments above .. every one is using '*' to in the word 'homosexuality' to wipe out the word 'sex'. Is 'sex' evil?

    • The writers are not dropping the missing letters. The newspaper is doing it. Considering the news item mentions the terms s.e.x. and s.e.x.u.a.l. serveral times, omitting the letters from the comments is absurd.

  13. Brovo Veena – Though being a lady you have the guts and strength to speak openly knowing what is the mental-level of our society…. .. keeping talkn baby !! everyone is watching and eager to listen….. you

  14. mashAllah I am happy to read comments here and see how strong the people of pakistan are in their faith. Im a revert from the UK and inshAllah you are all in my dua's

  15. Please stop reporting on Veena… she's a cheap exhibitionist and neither knows anything about the importance of our religion as a political ideology nor cares about it. Infact, she's practically working against it with this B.S. So just stop reporting on her for God's sakes will ya!

  16. There are so many of her views and character. So what if another one has jioned the group. Ignore her to meet her fate.

  17. Keep up the good fight. America has lost the battle, it is the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. GOD help us!

  18. As sex psychopaths would say: She is the best thing happened to us since the beginning of time!

    • So if someone is a "shemale" or naturally bisexual that gives you the right to make fun of her. Do you think Islam teaches us to insult people? Have you ever heard of the Prophet ridiculing even his worst enemies…of course not! And yet you go "hahaah". Think.

  19. I think she is trying to achieve a status of gift of gab but in a stupid manor. However people who have strong resentments if you do not agree try to preach her don't call her bad names your God does provide you even when you disobey him every minute of the day. So as a human you have a right to give opinion but without hurting other peoples feelings that is the greatness of your belief which suggests that you care for all human beings good or bad. Famous saying "hate the sin not the sinner" fits perfectly at these comments.

  20. PAKISTAN TODAY ………….. WAKE UP… dont publish cheap news to gain publicity.. its a clear indication of decay of your newspaper

  21. Veena what every u do but still u cant be a heroine, Just shut-up and place some small camera rolls and i am sure u will be click, dont just keep supporting all stupidity.
    Stop focusing her.

  22. She must be banished same as Farahani from Iran……..the living nation perused their government to ban her for her offending photos for a French magazine……

  23. I think this is the cheapest work a women can do for some dollars…Indian Veena your visa is not valid for Pakistan …If you please stay there…whole nation will pray ..

  24. Can we stop wasting time on cheap personalities, lets talk about whats good and good shall prevail in our society, if we give coverage to trash we would be promoting trash.

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