Say what? Top oddball interview questions


Most of us are prepared for standard job interview questions such as “What’s your biggest weakness?” and “Are you a people person?” But what happens when you get hit with a bizarre and unexpected question from a hiring manager such as: “If you were in the movie ‘The Wizard of Oz,’ which character do you most relate with and why?” or “why are manhole covers round?” or “how can I get to some gold in the middle of the Amazon in the cheapest way possible?” Here’s a list of the top oddball question list compiled from comments by job hunters: “Tell me the restaurant where you dined last night?” – Ernst and Young consultant candidate. “Do you feel you had a normal childhood?” – Gentex mechanical engineer candidate. “If you can grow anything on a tree, what would it be?” –event coordinator candidate. “Would you rather be ranked No. 1 in the office and hated by everyone or No. 15 in the office but well-liked?” outside sales representative candidate. “If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you?”-Cisco Human Resources manager candidate.
“My clock is nine minutes slow every hour. At noon, it tells the correct time. After how many hours will it again tell the correct time?” – Bloomberg LP financial applications engineer candidate. “If you had five red balls that contained four red balls and those red balls contained the original five red balls, then how many sets of sets of balls would I take to have a double set of red balls of varying sizes inside each next largest red ball?” – Goldman Sachs investment banking vice president candidate.