N for noisy


The League gets physical

While politicians in Pakistan never tire of expressing their commitment to democracy, they have yet a long way to go before they imbibe a democratic culture. The rumpus created in the National Assembly on Friday violated the basic democratic norms of tolerance and patience. The situation that led to fisticuffs was created consciously by the PML(N) which had meticulously prepared its war plan ahead of the budget session. Whatever happened underlined the fact that those who planned the show had learnt little from the past. The PML(N) would have been well within its right if it exposed the flaws in the budget once the debate on the document, which its members tore into pieces, started. To create uproar so that nobody could hear the finance minister indicated the undemocratic mindset that does not allow the expression of a different point of view. To disrupt the session in disregard of the Speaker’ ruling and to advance threateningly towards the prime minister which led to scuffles with the ruling party members was no service to democracy. The brawl will only gladden the forces opposed to democracy.

What is highly unfortunate is the way the Leader of the Opposition has justified the unjustifiable. He has described the sloganeering during the session as “the voice of the people.” What is even more disturbing is his warning that his party would continue to put up similar shows during future sittings of the budget session. That this remained a one party show- as none from the other opposition groups joined – indicates the PML(N)’s isolation. This should make the party leadership review its negative strategy. With elections due within months, the opposition parties need to sit with the government to take crucial decisions regarding the appointment of a permanent head of the Election Commission and a neutral caretaker set up. They should also approach their constituencies with their policy documents rather than merely with negative slogans.

Ch Nisar needs to realize that the example he has set does not bode well for democracy. It opens the way for any noisy party however small to stop the functioning of the NA by the use of vocal cords and muscle power.