Pakistan Today

USAID-funded project trains 12,000 small dairy farmers

During his visit to Lahore on Wednesday, US Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission Director Dr Andrew Sisson was on hand to support the USAID’s Dairy Project at the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS).
Dr Sisson and US Consul General Nina Fite distributed 50 motorbikes to livestock artificial insemination (AI) technicians who successfully completed a one-month training programme under the USAID Dairy Project. The motorbikes will allow these new technicians to reach remote rural communities with their services, while improving dairy development in these underserved areas.
“Today’s ceremony highlights the importance that the United States places on deepening the impact of development assistance to the people of Pakistan and to improving the lives of those in rural communities,” remarked Dr Sisson.
“I congratulate all the graduates who have made the choice to become skilled and certified technicians. Your dedication and diligence is highly appreciated. I am confident that it will pave the way for long-term economic gains and improved livelihoods for the rural communities of Pakistan,” Dr Sisson added.
“The motorbike distribution ceremony is an opportunity to celebrate the success of project-trained AI technicians, who are making a difference in the field by providing timely livestock breed improvement services to rural communities in the Punjab. The USAID Dairy Project will continue to mobilise and support potential beneficiaries from South Punjab, training 2000 technicians,” remarked Dairy Project Project Director Jack Moser.
The three-year $14 million Dairy Project will positively impact the lives of 12,000 small dairy farmers by increasing their productivity by at least 15 percent resulting in a minimum of 20 percent increase in their incomes. The project provides training on the best dairy farm management techniques, including artificial insemination and provides livestock training to female workers.
Other participants at the ceremony included USAID Development Assistance Coordinator Richard Albright, USAID Punjab Acting Director Gail Spence, Multi-sector Development Specialist Sajjad Moghal, DRDF Chairman Salman Shah, Dairy Project Steering Committee Chairman Yawar Ali, Dairy Project Steering Committee Member Syed Fakhar, Dairy Project Field Operations General Manager Dr Sobia Naheed and UVAS Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr Tallat Naseer Pasha.

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