West rips Obama on Afridi issue


Calling President Barack Obama an “amateur” on foreign policy, Republican Allen West is blasting the administration for failing to secure the release of a Dr Shakeel Afridi who helped the CIA hunt down Osama bin Laden.
West said Tuesday about Dr. Shakil Afridi that the United States was wrong to “hang him out to dry,” arguing that after bin Laden was identified and killed, the doctor and his family should have been taken out of Pakistan to ensure their safety.
“It kind of shows the amateur nature of this administration and President Obama in talking too much about this operation and enabling the Pakistanis to listen carefully to some of the words and verbiage he was using and they were able to back trace it and put the pieces together on their side,” West told Greta Van Susteren of Fox News.
Afridi ran a vaccination program for the CIA in Pakistan, which helped to identify bin Laden’s location in Abbottabad – the town where US special forces killed the al Qaeda leader in a top-secret mission last year. The doctor was convicted and sentenced to 33 years in prison for conspiring against the state, despite the US’s request for his release.
West said Tuesday that the Pakistani government’s conviction of Afridi was proof that the country is “aligning” with al Qaeda, and that it brings into serious question whether the US can consider Pakistan an ally. The congressman pressed the Obama administration to continue demanding the doctor’s release, saying Afridi and his family are most likely in grave danger.
“I cannot understand why anyone says that this is a very successful president when it comes to foreign policy,” he said. “I don’t know if it’s naivete or as I said, it’s just amateur hour in the White House, but these have serious national security ramifications.”