Abbottabad raid ended our sovereignty: Nawaz


Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Nawaz Sharif on Monday said the Abbottabad operation had destroyed the sovereignty of the country.
Addressing a gathering in Lahore to mark Youm-e-Takbeer, Nawaz said during his tenure, Pakistan had conducted nuclear explosions which acted as a deterrent against future explosions by the country’s enemies.
“India could have attacked Pakistan many times, but due to Pakistan being an atomic power, it could not gather courage to do so,” Nawaz said.
He said the day Pakistan became a nuclear power, the begging bowl was broken. “It was not easy to test a nuclear bomb and I waited for 17 days,” he said, adding that Pakistan’s security was strengthened due to the explosions.
Nawaz said President Asif Ali Zardari had a discussion with him to give indemnity to former president General (r) Pervez Musharraf when he decided to step down from the presidency.
He said Zardari had showed no interest in “becoming the president back then” and later took over the Presidency by deception. “I was shocked when he became the president and so were the people of Pakistan.” He said his party did not vote for Zardari as the president.
Nawaz also criticised Zardari for visiting Chicago to attend the NATO Summit. “Zardari should tell the nation what he was doing in Chicago,” he said, expressing concerns over the delay in the report of judicial commission on the Abbottabad raid.
The PML-N chief also questioned wasn’t there anybody in the government who could bring peace in Karachi and Balochistan.
In an obvious reference to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan, Nawaz said those who were claiming to resolve all the problems within 90 days were lying.
He said some misguided people had been part of the government and establishment.
Following his address, party workers tried to meet Nawaz but were stopped by the security guards. This led to party workers protesting with one even lying down in front of the PML-N president’s car.


  1. Nawaz is, by far, the dumbest politician we have had.__Lets look at his accomplishments:__Raised in the lap of General Zia.__Total incompetent as finance minister and CM of Punjab.__Frooze FC accounts killing foreign investment.__Stole two of my family's servants :)__Had two third majority, never passed any substantative laws benefitting common people.__Tried to declare himself Amir-ul-Momineen. Kept changing army chiefs.__Attacked SC.__Tried to hijack a Pakistani plane with army chief in it.__Ordered to take divert the plane to India with army chief in it.__Made a deal with Musharraf and ran away from the country.__Denied he made a deal.__Lived lavishly overseas.__Did not pay taxes.__Came back but would not run for any seat.__Supported ppp govt. in exchange for rights to third term.__Living and acting like a CM unelected.__Got fooled by zardari time and again.__Shows everyday how naieve and stupid he is.__Cannot explain his wealth.__Threaten long march everyday but never does.__Obsessed with Musharraf.__No vision. Just keeps talking about the past.__The above mentioned things are a very short version. NOT FIT FOR LEADERSHIP ROLE.

      • It may surprise some people but I think Haroon Akhtar as PM and Shahzada Alam as finance minister would make a good team. You will have to overlook Haroon Akhtar's father's corruption but he himself has the potential to form a good team. I also think that Imran Khan should be the main opposition leader as he would keep the govt. in check. He still needs some experience and understand of the inner workings of the govt. but he could be an effective opposition leader. Haroon and Shahzada Alam have the exposure, connections, knowledge and experience to, atleast. put the country in the right direction.

        • write my words…………. if you think change will come through this system…Forget about it….Write my words

          • Unless our civil society, our middle classes,our intelligencia and media develop patience to get along with both good things and bad things togather, unless our political parties develop patience to respect people's mandate( becoz in democracy you cannot have 100% people having the same views……..

          • Sorry to interrupt in ur conversation..unless we admit people's right to independently judge any govt's performance and elect whatever party they like, and unless some self-styled puritans, reformers and well-wishers of this country stop to impose their own views about performance of any govt upon people, we simply will be destroying political and democratic evolution, just like we have done in the past and have come to this terrible impasse.

          • A recent example of anomaly in our power structure: An emotional media backed by a miscalculating defence forces created an emotional situation in Pakistan regarding NATO supplies, and a weak civil govt trying to creat goodwill among simultaneously the anti-US public and the USA came in the trap and resulted in diplomatic emabarresment and weakened Pakistan's position internationaly. Army miscalculated its NATO-supply card and tried to pressurise USA for apology which USA was never to give, coz it wud encourage terrorist sponsoring forces in Pakistan. USA made alternative arrangement and showed ass to Pakistan.

        • given the present political infrastructure of Pakistan, both these guys will fail terribly, and I am sure 100000000000000%. Some people here dont understand a very complicated political situation of Pakistan filled with myriads of conflicts; racial, language, institutional, and religious. It is not the question of having a good team or a govt of honest politicains and technocrates. If both these guys come to power, will Pakistan's present political forces like PMLN, PTI, PPP and others as well let them work? A new allignment will develop, and question is how these gus wud be brought to power? By army? by judiciary? Bring them to power by any of these means and remaining political forces will be allied against them and we will be back to suare one.

        • Kamran Sher khan is 1000000000000% correct becoz he seems to understand political infrastructure of Pakistan which is full of racial, language, and instiutional conflicts.

  2. status quo forces can never bring change.
    Only revolution has the power to bring change in one day.

    • Asim, please dont pray for revolution becoz it will destroy Pakistan completely. Pakistan is not a one linguistic or ethnic entity. Various ethnic and linguistic groups in Pakistan are in conflict with each other. If revolution comes, it will be brought by Punjabi majority around Islamabad against a Sindhi president. Our inner contradictions will spring up during any revolution and will lead Pakistan to break-up

  3. well that is not true…..change can come in 7 days….what does matter is how we define change…..if we define change as new faces in the old system, it can’t come in 90 days nor in 90 centuries…but if we define change as a new setup, it can come in 7 days if the willingness to bring change is there

    • I think incompetent as well.

      Zardari is far too conniving & clever for Nawaz who is happy looting & mismanaging the country at every opportunity he gets.

      Hang him please, but after Zardari has been butchered first.

    • lolz.. true, but PMLn wala says that "Mian Sahab ko pata nahi tha, yeh sara kaam ISI ka tha .. Some one ask these morons that what the hec is mian sahab doing sitting on the chair of PM, if everything is done by the agencies??

  4. It is all about the leader. An Honest leader can put the country in right direction in first 90 Days of his/her government. In Noora's case, he cannot do anything even if he is given 9000 days.. So chill!!! 🙂

  5. Nawaz has never accepted responsibilty for anything that goes wrong but he wants to take credit for everything that went well (which wasn't much). Not a sign of a good leader. He makes it sound like Pakistan was a paradise during his two terms.

  6. Oh people! He is telling the truth when he has done nothing in 25years. So how can he believe that someone can change the direction Pakistan in just 90 days. He is useless leader who havnt made any policy, never written a book when he was resting on Saudia for 7years. Just made money from corruption, bank loans, tax evasion, built sugar and floor mills while in politics.

  7. Oh people! He is telling the truth when he has done nothing in 25years. So how can he believe that someone can change the direction Pakistan in just 90 days. He is useless leader who havnt made any policy, never written a book when he was resting on Saudia for 7years. Just made money from corruption, bank loans, tax evasion, built sugar and floor mills while in politics.

  8. look wHox speaKing!!! agaR HumaRi awaM achi hotI to aisY kbhi bHi anaY na dyti pakistaN– ye Bnda kis Mou sY raH raha haI pakisatN meiN —–aBh kya kasaR rah gaee hai jo puri krna chta haI—aur ye to fitrat hai sub ki k hUm dosrO ki taNg he khncty rahty haI if IMraN khaN want to dO something for the benefit if Pakistan theN let him dO it—-in fact aLL politicans sHould staND with hIm cux as TheY aLl sY theY are here to serve pakistaN– sO u aLL have common GoaL na join hands with ImraN khaN and fulfIl your GoaL!!!:P———————-ya Phr aP ka GoaL kucH aur haI?????

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