Sindhi Adabi Sangat opposes Muhajir province


Sindhi Adabi Sangat staged a demonstration in front of the National Press Club Islamabad against the demand of Muhajir province on Saturday.
The rally was led by Sindhi Adabi Sangat to oppose Muhajir province and demanded probe into the matter of firing on Mohabbat Sindh rally in Karachi and a passenger bus in Qazi Ahmed.
The rally was attended by a huge crowd of Sindhi people from all walks of life and urged the government to re-establish Kaiti Bandar in Thatta and in Badin, Ali Bandar to minimize the load of Karachi Port Trust.
Addressing the rally, Sarwan Sindhi, the general secretary of Sindhi Adabi Sangat, said that Sindh was not only a geographical territory but it was also the name of an ancient culture and civilization, therefore, the division of Sindh province cannot be accepted by any Sindhi at any cost.
He disclosed that it was a pre-planned conspiracy against the people who had been living together since six and half decades at the soil of Sindh and Sindhi would not allow its enemies to sabotage its unity.


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