Railway employees protest for 8 hours


Pakistan Railways Loco Shed employees’ union did not allow any locomotive to move out of the shed for 8 hours on Thursday.
The PR shed employee strike held in favour of their demands entered its 12th day.
Earlier, the employees protested for four hours for several days but the employees extended the time to eight hours on Thursday.
Union Leader Sarfaraz Khan said the union had decided to continue its strike till May 29 and said the railways will be jammed after this if their demands were not fulfilled. The Railway employees were demanding an increase in the technical allowance and pay scales as well as double wages for working on a holiday.


  1. An injury to one is an injury to all
    The Government is Responsible for this Negligence as well as the Employer for the death of 300 innocent Workers who killed in Horrible Incidents in Karachi and Lahore
    Haji Muhammad saeed Arian Founder/Secretary General Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF) has urged the Government officials to initiate a full probe of the disaster and arrest the culprit immediately. He said that On 11th September,2012 in Karachi, and Lahore the worst and horrible incidents were happen in Pakistan that led to the death of more than 300 workers in a Garment Factory in Karachi and Shoe Factory in Lahore due to lack of observe the Safety Rules at work place. Most of these workers were unable to escape due to inadequate access and the complete lack of emergency and fire exits. The Leaders of . Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF) Pakistan Transport Workers Federation (PTWF) Pakistan Graphic Arts Workers Union (PGAWU) Pakistan Para Medical Staff Association (PPMA) World Asian Workers Organization (WAWO) Railway Workers Federation (RWF) All Pakistan Hotel & Restaurant Employees Federation (APHRE) Pakistan Construction Workers Union (PCWU)condoles the death of three hundred workers in the two separate horrible incidents and Demand for payment compensation to the Families of the workers who were killed, and to the injured workers All Trade Union Leaders also support the demand that the Government hold the Employer criminally liable of homicide and take action against the Labour Department and Government authorities that failed to ensure the Safety and Health of these workers.
    Mrs Atia Saleem Chairperson (PLF) President (PTWF) (PGAWU) said that Pakistan had ratified the ILO Convention, No 81 under which, the Government is bound to maintain a system of Labour inspection in industrial workplaces. This Convention contains binding Legal provisions relating to conditions of work and the protection of workers, including industrial Safety and Health that is enforceable by Labour inspectors.
    Waheed Ahmad Ch Advocate Legal Advision (PLF)(WAWO) Said that the working conditions in the industry in Punjab worsened after the abolition of Labour inspections under the provisions of the Punjab Industrial Policy 2003, which aimed at “developing an industry and business-friendly environment” to attract fresh investment. The routine physical inspection of Factories was stopped by the Punjab Government even though this was the subject of Federal Government but due to some personal interest of the then Provincial Government through an amendment to the Punjab Factories Rules, 1978 which replaced physical inspection of the workplace by Labour inspectors with a self-declaration statement by the Employers on compliance with Labour Laws in their units. Mr Hamid Gill Said that There is no Law to even check or take action against those Employers, who do not submit this self-declaration because Employers in Pakistan more powerful than the Government. In his message Mr Peter A Newns Founder/President World Asian Workers Organization (WAWO) also demanded that the Government should observed the ILO Convention 155 on Occupational Safety and Health and Convention 187 of Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health to avoid these type of Horrible incidents at workplaces leading to innumerable loss of lives. He appeal to the
    Trade unions Leaders to come together to ensure that Governments in South Asia arrive at a common minimum framework for Labour Laws including industrial Safety and wages so as to prevent the movement of capital across borders in search of cheap Labour.
    Muhammad Saleem Ch President (PCWU) said that Pakistan has one of the largest Labour and Manpower resources in the world, due to its large population but the workers are facing lot of problems and we are unable to protect the workers Rights due to divided in so many groups

    (Haji Muhammad Saeed Arian)
    Founder/Secretary General
    Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF)
    Registered with (NIRC) Ministry of Labour & Manpower
    Government of Pakistan http://www.plfpk.com

  2. In our Country Pakistan! The continuation of high unemployment is eroding the bargaining power of the working class, and without an organization to collectively harness that power, the working class will continue to be at the will of the economy and it's architects, the employing class.
    Many of the workers unable to secure permanent and/or full time employment have been increasingly turning to temporary employment agencies for relief. However, uncertain whether or not they will be chosen for work that day, many leave distraught and empty handed. Those who do find work, are paid a pittance of a wage, barely providing any sort security or stability, unsure of what tomorrow will bring.From:"Hamad Maqsood Gill",(Senior Vice President) (PGAWU) and (PLF) "With Best Regards"

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