ICAP sets up special courses for Sindh youth


The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) has put up a liaison with the Sports and Youth Affairs Department Government of Sindh to provide expertise to unemployed youth of Sindh.
The main objectives of these programs is to provide immediate financial assistance to the unemployed youth of Sindh and enhance their skills by imparting training in various fields and trades and create and enhance opportunities for employment in the respective fields. Two short training programs comprising of eight months and one comprehensive plan of Chartered Accountancy to be undertaken with ICAP in Phase III of Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Program during the year 2012.
Speaking at the event Rashid Rahman Mir- President ICAP said. “He believe that the project couldn’t have been better timed, with the government’s ongoing drive of economy documentation. The youngsters passing out will be able to help the small traders and businessmen in matters relating to accounting, tax and compliance of corporate laws”.
Seven mango farms from Sindh have commercial shipments scheduled for June Islamabad, May 24 (Online) Mango farmers across Pakistan continue their partnership with USAID to maximise yields, improve product quality, introduce better packaging, and create market linkages. All these advancements are helping Pakistani mango growers tap into new export markets with each passing season. As the mango season for 2012 begins, this partnership continues to bear fruit. Ghulam Sarwar Abro of Mustafa Agricultural Farms in Kotri (Sindh) has been a partner with USAID’s Mango Program. “We are confident that with USAID’s support, all of the ground work has been done. We have the required standards, infrastructure, and linkages to tap the international markets on a competitive footing.”
Seven mango farms from Sindh are already scheduled to send commercial shipments to high-end markets across the globe in June of this year. More farms will participate in commercial shipments as soon as harvesting begins in Punjab.
USAID has signed Infrastructure Upgrade Agreements (IUAs) with 15 mango farmers across Pakistan on a cost-sharing basis to build pack houses. USAID has also provided assistance to 15 farmers in achieving GlobalGAP. certification under a similar cost-share agreement and has planned to increase this number by the end of this season by adding another 12 certified farms.
The USAID Mango Program is currently in its third year and this year the program is specifically concentrating on enhancing the market linkages for Pakistan’s mango sector.