Pakistan Today

Defending democracy

I have been reading different articles and letters in different news papers for the last three years in which there is a lot written against the democratic system in Pakistan. However, I would rather defend the democratic system of Pakistan because there has never been a full time given to the political institutes to flourish. Whenever there is political crisis in the country, the non-democratic powers take over the system and thus no such time is given to democracy to get flourish. The democratic setup should be given much time so that the people may filter the best for themselves. There should be no undue pressure on political institutes.
The image of political leadership has been rotten over the time. Common men tend to dislike the political personalities. They are held responsible for all the afflictions Pakistan facing today. There are deficiencies in politicians, but these are projected to the public with exaggeration of some facts along with certain myths. This mistrust of public prevents them to concern about the political process. Political instability along with economic difficulties pushed the country towards foreign dependence. Resultantly, the international powers, in pursuance of their own goals, care little to the democratic stability of the country. All the military rulers enjoyed foreign support. 75 percent of financial aid by USA was received during the military regime. Purportedly, these foreign players intrigue to destabilize the political set up, when their interest require doing so.

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