• and a great comfort for the opponent brigade; but the motive of this comfort remains unclear

  1. We have no leadership at all. We only have some feudal lords and a high quality tactician but only knows how to dicieve his own people. opponent brigade is group paid for demonstration of stupidity. They have converted Afghanistan into debris. Islam asks to see the doors and windows and does not ask to hit the wall by your head. We only need leadership when we will we win.

  2. there was no logic to suspend NATO supplies…when we are depended on Western countries for our imports/exports, skilled labour, aid…everything. We should separate our foreign policy from psychological feelings…like honour, bravery etc.

    • Ghult ko ghult to koho. What the US did was wrong. Our visions are distorted or what?!

      • US will do exactly is in their interest. Problem is Pakistani leaders do what against nation's interest. How can you expect Zardari to look after nation interest. These leaders are raping the nation every single day. Dont you feel the pain

  3. i guess the newspaper itself is a pro american and is achieving "ASHIWAD" the cartoonist has always shown the terrorists i wish sumday he paints the drones aswell. every life is important and has a value cant you see how many are dead cause of the nato air strikes may be because non of them was your relative. would you also give a free way to your neighbor into your house just because many in your street want you to? Media has a responsibility but you all are sold out to your god usa. you are more loyal to usa than pakistan.

    • Terrorist are to be killed…whether by drones or Pakistan army bombing…drones are like ababils that are send to destroy the enemies of humanity/Islam.

  4. those who shelter terrorists/Al Qaeda in Waziristan are not innocent…they are sheltering terrorists who kill inocent citizens and Pakistan Army soldiers. your God is Taliban/Al Qaeda…Saudi Riyals.

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