Arab press blushes at new French PM’s name


The Arab-speaking media was in a quandary after the appointment of Jean-Marc Ayrault as France’s new prime minster on Tuesday — about how to mention the head of the French government without causing offense. Transcribed into Arabic from the French pronounciation of his name, “Ayrault” refers to the male sexual organ in several Arabic dialects. The problem lasted for hours after French President Francois Hollande named the head of the Socialist bloc in parliament as his prime minister, with Arab journalists trying different possible pronunciations of his name. Some newspapers referred to him as “Aro,” others prefixed his name with an “H,” while some chose to spell out the last two silent letters. The conundrum was finally resolved by the French foreign ministry, which issued an official verdict on subject permitting his name to be transcribed as written, and saving the blushes of many an Arabic editor.


  1. Part of the time they may get away by just pointing at the thing and not mentioning it.

    But that does not come to help for female dignitaries …

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