Misery down the road


Muhammad Irfan Moton, Chairman, S.I.T.E. Association of Industry has expressed concern on the miserable state of the road network in the SITE area and drew attention of the authorities towards poor condition of infrastructure saying that SITE area being a prime industrial area of the country is suffering from the poor infrastructure and no due attention is being given to this issue. The state of the roads depicts ruin like position. The S.I T.E. Association had been striving for the improvement of roads and despite assurance given by the concerned authorities no positive response and no cogent measure have so far been taken in this respect. He also stressed that Provincial Minister for Industries & Commerce should issue direction to the concerned authorities to take cognizance of the deteriorating infrastructure and take urgent measures to improve the quality of roads on priority basis. S.I.T.E. Association demanded Governor Sindh, CM Sindh, to issue strict instructions to all concerned for taking necessary measures for start of immediate work for the revamping of road network, so that smooth economic activities are carried out in the SITE area which is contributing enormous share of revenue and providing ample employment opportunities to the people.