Gilani firm on using ‘all options’


Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani on Saturday said he would employ all legal ways to get his name cleared of contempt charges, as he did not commit any ethical or financial crime.
He was speaking at a luncheon hosted by PPP Britain in his honour.
The PM said it should be clear to all who wanted to send him home that this was a matter of interpretation of the constitution and he would go to the last extent. He said the political forces who took part in the movement for restoration of judiciary wanted to take the court verdict in their favour. “There is no law regarding contempt in the country. It was only tried on me,” he added. He said the time had gone for someone to enter the power corridors through the back door. “There is a constitutional way to change the president or prime minister,” Gilani said.
In an interview with Sky TV in London earlier, the prime minister highlighted the importance of Pakistan in the war against terror and urged the international community, especially the United States to share information for the success of this war. “We know the importance of the United States. We really want to improve our relations. We are in the middle of discussions and I am sure that better things will come out,” he said. “There have been lots of ups and downs in our relationship,” he added. Gilani also described the relationship between CIA and ISI as “good”. “All high-value targets of al Qaeda have been achieved with the support and help of the ISI,” the PM said. “Therefore, when we are working together so closely, I think there should be no hesitation in sharing information with Pakistan.”
Prime Minister Gilani told Daily Telegraph later that al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was not in Pakistan and the US had failed to provide any “actionable information” to suggest otherwise. “Why should I think he (Zawahiri) is in Pakistan? The CIA and Pakistan’s ISI are cooperating closely. They should work together and if there is any credible, actionable information, please share with us so that we can get hold of him,” Gilani said. Earlier, Gilani cancelled his visit to Birmingham over security fears.
Gilani had planned to address PPP supporters at the International Convention Centre on Saturday, Birmingham Mail reported. The “community meeting” was suddenly scrapped for fears of a “serious security breach by protesters”, according to a Pakistani official who helped organise the PM’s UK visit. The official said: “It was left to the High Commission of Pakistan in London to make the necessary security arrangements but it was decided the rally had too many risks attached to it. Any boisterous situation could develop which could be a public relations disaster for the prime minister who is already under a lot of pressure.” News of the cancellation came after Pakistan’s Supreme Court convicted Gilani of contempt for failing to initiate an investigation into allegations of corruption by President Asif Zardari.
The ruling could see Gilani forced to stand down and be disqualified from being a member of parliament for five years. In a 2010 rally at the ICC in Birmingham, President Zardari was attacked by a protester from Coventry who later received a police caution. Birmingham-based opponents of Pakistan People’s Party said they had been planning mass demonstrations outside the ICC but were not aware of any threats to his safety.


  1. It is a funny state of affairs! On one hand the PM is convicted by the highest court in the country and on the other hand he goes about performing his duties as if nothing has happened! So what was the fuss all about.? There seems to be a state within the state which cares a fig about the judiciary. What message are we sending to the ordinary people ?

    • The restored judiciary is hell bent on making a laughing stock of itself. It has only added to the de-stabilization of the country. The CJP tries to run affairs of the state through suo mottoes and contempt threats. I am not and never will be a supporter of the PPP; but this time I find myself all for the PM; after all what has he been convicted of? Wait till these judges, for self preservation, try to dove-tail `contempt of court' with `Blasphemy' as one of its sub clauses. Idiots.

      • Mr. Shahid Kureshi, you are 110% correct. It is politics of power that they r playing. They r not dispensing justice. What can you say abt a CJ who pressurised FIA to induct his son who was a medical doctor.

  2. He has kiayani in his back pocket so there is nothing to worry about. If a "real" General was incharge, things would be a lot different. As long as gillani/zardari keep stuffing kiayani's pockets, they will stay in power.

    • Kamran, when all of us were in school, we were taught that we shud not always see the dark side of the picture. So, I will show you bright side now. Forex reserves were US$8 billion 4 yrs ago, now 16.6 , they peaked to 19 billion 6 months ago. Though, country is not taking any IMF aid now.Foreign remittence were 7.5 billion 4 yrs ago; now they will surely cross 13 billion. Our salaries are 160% more than 4 yrs before; prices also rose 100%: but salary rises out-surpassed price rises.Zardari did not impose himself like Musharaf, but got elected by parliament including PMLN. He did not rig election or used army to be president; your own representatives voted him for presidency. What self respect CJ has, who pressurised FIA to induct his son, who was a medical doctor.

    • What can you say abt a CJ who pressurised FIA to induct his son who was a medical doctor.

    • I know some of these judges personally, and know how " honest" are they? All of them carry dirt inside their their three piece suits

  3. Prime Minister is following the twenty twenty model of governance (democracy), that fight out until the last ball, keeping digging out the foundation of this country until the last stone, without conscience.

  4. Can he add suicide in his "all option"? And can we get him to exercise that option?

  5. Allah is great. It is a matter of time. Just wait for days more. Gilani will meet his ultimate end.

  6. The man does not understand he has no options.Soon the support will whither away as soon as Zardari finds another idiot.There are plenty.

  7. Express Tribune is a better newspaper than this one. Pakistan Today has become a haunt of staunch Rightist elements, and PTI/PMLN workers. This paper even blocks comments criticizing establishment policies.

  8. Its a shame for nation who chose this man as(pm) please watch what he said about the nation .

  9. The only pity Justice Khosa can show to people of Pakistan is, to resign as a ” government servant ” along with remaining PCO judges in High Courts and Supreme Court, and join his ” favorite ” political party after the time bar. He will be definitely rewarded by his ” masters ” somewhere in Punjab for the service rendered in their interest. Don’t forget to pray for their victory in the next election.
    People of Pakistan will be well off without biased and partial judges.
    ” Pity on judges who speaks through rented poetry instead of decisions on merit “

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