Pakistan Today

Towards isolation

Wrong signals from Pakistan

While Gilani spends five days cultivating David Cameron, the country continues on the course towards isolation. Pakistan’s relations with the US have further deteriorated with fresh moves in the Congress aimed at punishing it. Washington now speaks in a peremptory tone. Clinton chose India to call on Pakistan to take stronger measures against terrorism. She claimed that Zwahiri was inside Pakistan and repeated the US offer for a $10 million bounty for information leading to the arrest of Hafiz Saeed who freely addresses public gatherings in Pakistan. Senator Kerry, often referred to as the best friend of Pakistan, warned on Friday that the US would have no other option but to resort to “self-help” if Islamabad does not become more cooperative in the war against terrorism. The policy to boycott the Bonn conference, withdraw from the tripartite talks and continue to ban Nato supplies has backfired. While Chicago summit is round the corner, Zardari’s participation in the moot remains uncertain. The relations with China are no more marked by the former warmth. Beijing continues to be worried by the activities of the terrorists getting training in tribal areas.

Meanwhile, attempts to negotiate with the militants have produced no positive results. They continue to attack the security personnel and the Shia community with equal ferocity. A section of the banned outfits has been allowed to hold rallies to sway the public opinion in their favour. They threaten to forcibly stop the Nato supplies even if the Parliament allows them and oppose improvement of relations with India. This is likely to further estrange the neighbours and the world at large.

The suspension by the ICRC of its activities run from Karachi and Peshawar would send yet another negative signal abroad. The humanitarian agency took the measure after the brutal killing of British doctor in Balochistan. It is claimed that since 2009, at least 19 aid workers have been murdered and more than 20 abducted across Pakistan by militants and criminals. It is time Pakistan concentrates fully on the elimination of militancy from its soil. This alone can provide it internal security and international respect.

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