Warning to the rulers


As a result of Feb 2008 elections, Pakistan got a democratic government led by PPP, being the majority party. There was a great sigh of relief to have people’s government after a long dictatorial regime of Gen Musharraf. It is generally said that the worst democracy is better than the best Dictatorship. But during the last over 4 years of democratic rule of the PPP, it has proved the other way. People have started remembering the better living conditions prevalent during the previous dictator’s regime. The present government has pushed the common man to the wall and it has become very difficult for him to survive where he has sky rocketing prices of daily commodities besides not get security and justice. The rulers are enjoying a royal life with every thing free to them. There is a new scandal every second day where the rulers or their appointees have wangled or defrauded the public money in billions of rupees.

The people have become sick of hearing the so called achievements of the present government like NFC Award, 18th and 19th Amendments to the 1973 Constitution, BISP, Waseela-i-Haq, Aghaz-i-Haqooq-i- Baluchistan etc etc. The government’s spokes persons keep uttering these parroted sentences and recounting the shahadats (martyrdoms ) of their leaders on every talk show on the various channels of TV. But how these achievements and shahadats have affected the common man?

I warn the rulers not to wait for the onslaught of the people and should stop looting and plundering the national wealth. They should follow their oath by keeping the national interest supreme over their personal interest. They should feel the pulse of the masses which are fed up of these rulers who are neck deep in corruption. They ridicule the judiciary by not implementing their orders, their ministers are liars specially the most powerful minister Rehman Malik who has destroyed the peace of the country in general and Karachi in particular. He should have resigned long time back for inefficiency and incompetency. All known corrupt people are being given key posts and all key posts have a price which is paid to the appointing authority, may it be a minister or a Governor or the President. Every thing is in the knowledge of general public and the media hawks who have started talking openly. The rulers should either mend their ways or quit before the disgruntled public wrath comes to get hold of them.

