‘Punjab produced bumper wheat crop despite outages’


The province of Punjab has produced record wheat crop this year which will not only fulfill the need of the people of Punjab but it will also meet the demand of 180 million people of Pakistan.
Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Shareef said this while inaugurating the harvest of wheat crop in Wazirabad.
A large number of farmers and citizens belonging to the area were present on the occasion. The CM said a group of 40 robbers with its leader Ali Baba had emptied the pockets of Hajis which was a shameful act on their behalf.
He said that he was thankful to Allah almighty and the farmers and workers of Punjab who had been able to produce such a bumper harvest in spite of severe load shedding .’’
The chief minister said during the last four years the Punjab government had provided 20 thousands tractors to the farmers with the subsidy of Rs 0.2 million per tractor and these tractors were given to the farmers according to a transparent system.
On these tractors, the govt gave a subsidy of Rs 4 billion rupees. The chief minister said he was a citizen of such a country which was being ruled by a guilty prime minister and they were facing humiliation all over the world due to the sentence awarded to him by the Supreme Court of Pakistan.
He said corruption is prevailing every where in Pakistan and this corruption has mounted up to a point where they were forced to beg even from their opponents who were involved in brutal killing of our masses.
Shahbaz said the whole situation had gone from bad to worst and the poor people were unable to provide clothes to their children. Even medicines and books had gone out of their reach, he added. He said they were facing great hurdles and problems in Punjab, yet they provided 125,000 laptops in to the deserving students strictly on merit, adding they had also set up 4,000 IT labs in various schools of the province.
He appealed to the public and citizens to get ready in order to get rid of this Ali Baba and his 40 thieves by launching a strong protest against them.


  1. Is he out of his mind? The harvesting is just started. How can one claim that crop is bumber till completion of harvesting season?

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