Coca Cola, Rotary International join hands against polio


Coca Cola Beverages Pakistan (CCBPL) has extended its support to the Rotary International’s Polio Plus Committee to aid them in the eradication of polio through awareness campaigns. The company has also offered its vans for the transportation of polio vaccines if need be. A polio awareness message will be carried on all Coca Cola bottle labels and a ring tone version of the message will be incorporated in all of Coca Cola’s call stations across the country. Coke billboard sites will also carry the polio message during National Immunisation Days (NIDs) and permanent message posters will be displayed on 250,000 coke coolers across Pakistan. Coke will provide potable water in high-risk polio districts in Sindh to reduce transmission and incidence of diarrhoea in children and is considering the installation of reverse osmosis plants in these districts to provide clean drinking water. CCBPL External Affairs Director Mir Zohair Mehmood and his team extended full support and cooperation to Rotary International’s National Chair Aziz Memon, agreeing to work mutually in the eradication of polio, towards a cleaner environment, better sanitation conditions, water conservation, increase in education and rehabilitating the internally-displaced people.