Nawaz should quit politics; start business, advises AQ Khan


Nuclear scientist DR Abdul Qadir Kahn has advised PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif to quit politics and concentrate on business and let his brother Shahbaz Sharif take over politics, as he has done a good job in Punjab.
Addressing a function held at Faisal Auditorium in Punjab University, Dr AQ Khan said that all developed polities of the world have progressed thorough the governments run by Technocrats, adding that until the Technocrats are not given opportunity to govern the affairs of the state, the country cannot progress significantly.
He said that former prime minister (late) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto did not send me an invitation to come to Pakistan, rather, “I myself wrote a letter to ZAB”. He added that it was my luck that later he called me to come to Pakistan.
He said further that he was proud at his team, as, “we designed atom bomb only in Rs 25 million.” He added that there were two ways to design atom bomb through plutonium and defusing, however, “we made it in a better way”.
He advised the students to cast vote for the educated people not for uneducated in the upcoming elections in order to bring change and for the betterment of this country.
After analysing the love of Lahorites, it seems and he claimed, “from wherever in Lahore, I would contest election, I would be successful.”
He said that when ‘Yellow Cap Scheme’ was planned to spend Rs 900 million, he added, “I asked to the politicians to give me only Rs 200 million to establish an automobile industry”, however, they refused my proposal as they thought that they were more intelligent.
He said that by exporting items from abroad it was easy for the politicians to earn more money through illegal means and would have more opportunities for corruption.
A large number of students, teachers, journalists and Vice Chancellor Dr Kamran Mujahid were present on the occasion.


  1. Yes you are right Dr. AQ khan. May be Nawaz sharif can join your nuclear arms proliferation business.

  2. AQ Khan you helped your country in getting nuclear deterrance, but than your greed brought us a lot of disrepute. I am afraid you have no business lecturing people on ethics.

  3. "… until the Technocrats are not given opportunity to govern the affairs of the state, the country cannot progress significantly. …"

    Like Khan becoming the President, PM, CJ and Army chief will make a Switzerland out of Pakistan?

  4. “I asked to the politicians to give me only Rs 200 million to establish an automobile industry”
    LOL! You call yourself a technocrat? Rs. 200 to establish an automobile industry? You cant even start a 12 speed bicycle industry with that money! Just because you are good at xeroxing documents dosent make you noble prize material!

    • How ungrateful people can be! This snub to our gratest scientist is uncalled for.! It was his single minded passion to make Pakistan a great country that led to it becoming a nuclear power it is. The defeat in East Pakistan realy hurt him. His initial offer of services to Pakistan was cold shoulderd but thank god ZAB made an intelligent decision and called him to pakistan where his initial qualifications were doubted. He not only Xerox the documents but he produced a BOMB with an I.Q
      which you and i do not posess.
      If he maintains that he could establish an automobile industry i do not doubt him at all. He said establish not PRODUCE. Note the word.
      Let me remind you what a top most Mossad agent said about him—it was his gratest regret that he did not kill him in Belgium when the chance was there{would you like me to give you a ref.}
      Mr AQ is a noble prize material. He deserves to be our Symbolic President like Abdul Kalam in India but he has no chance in the presence of ungratful people in
      Pakistan. I beleive in him and admire him for what he has done for us.

      • Yes, Dr. AQ Khan's 'Bum' has made Pakistan very famous! Now everyone is afraid that who will take over this 'bum'. The real Nobel winner is celebrated across the border as he incapable to shine in Pakistan because of his faith. Let us not sully Abdul Kalam across the border comparing the 'bum'maker to him.

        • AQKhan is xerox expert…and he is not a nuclear scientist but metalurgist, Only Abdus Salam was truelly a Pakistani Scientist

        • I would not dream of sullying former president Abdul Kalam. He is my hero. It is only in Pakistan we classify and define FAITH. Our noble prize winner was denied a proper funeral because of his Faith. Who er we to judge.? Personally i would wait for the day of judgement rather than be judged in Pakistan!

      • Non sense,,,he is not a nuclear scientist…he is metalurgist…He is a photo copier machine….Only scientist pakistan produced was Abdus Salam…..@

        • I agree with you . Whom was i alluding to my above comment.? How did we honour him? My mind boggles.

      • Dr.M.M.Khan,
        Dr. AQ Khan is a narcissistic, monomaniacal self-proclaimed father of the bomb. If you know any history of the a-bomb development then you would know that they were many and one in particular scientist responsible for a-bomb. AQ khan is metallurgic scientist, his only contribution was the centrifugal that enriches the bomb grade uranium. It is an open secret that the centrifuge is of same design as the one he used while he was working in holland, whose design he xeroxed and brought to us. HE IS NO INVENTOR!

        • It's indeed very interesting to read your first sentence reg , Dr.A.Q.Khan. We can agree to disagree about this!
          I agree with you that he is a metallurgic scientist. I assure you i know about the history of the a-bomb. !t was a team work but who was the Captain? Before he came to Pakistan the main focus for developing the bomb was through enriching plutonium . Dr. Khan introduced the alternate concept of producing the bomb by enriching Uranium. This was what made the CIA and
          Mossad to take eye off the ball.
          I also know when the first test was carried out ,he was only invited as a guest.
          Finally may i politely ask you why ZAB and successive GOVT'S be it military
          or political declared him off limits to the rest of the world and his budget was non negotiable! He was answerable only to the PM or the President. Surely he was no ordinary Metullargist. His ONLY contribution? XEROXING.
          Please be a little more charitable! Despite your initial outburst i find you exceedingly well informed but have you read the book "The Islami Bomb"?

          Finally he should stay out of politics! (personl View).

  5. Mr.A.Q.khan has a good public rank and great respect,but in politics he should avoid to make such rubish statements agaisnt the national hero of Pakistan Mr.Nawaz Sharief.nawaz sharief is very sober and patient man and is not sentimantle like ZAB who led to fall of Dacca.Now at this stage he is playing politics very firmly and perfectly.Bcoz the opponent is very clever and totally under the full control of America.So plz do not pass errelivant remarks agaisnt this national hero Nawaz Sharief

    • who said that this dumb dumb doodle head noora sharif is a national hero??..common….give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. nawaz sharif is realllyyyyy nooootttt a 'National Hero' ahahahahaaha…please wake up! nobody believes that!

    and respect to AQ Khan!

  7. AQKhan is a thief, who sold Pakistani secrets to Koria, Iran and Libya to make money for himself…He has admitted infront of TV cameras,,,if he was so principled, he should have denied it.

  8. Asiq Hussain shame for dont know the reality coz pakistan armed forces were invloved in it to sold nuclear assets to iran lebya and korea how it is possible that C130 is going to install the nuclear programe to iran and lebya without army instructions… its army plan…..AQ KHAN saved our army and took everything on his shoulder …once again he saved us…. get knowledge.then speak against heroes….

  9. its on record that nawaz shairf had refused to do nuclear blast many politician journalist like majid nizami gohar ayub and AQ khan 3 years admitts that nawaz sharif was waiting for money the america was giving him offer.. IN MEETING ….NAWAZ SAID 500 MILLION DOLLARS MIL REHY HAIN MAJID NIZAMI SAID HUM NE TO SOCHA APP MUBAERKBAD DEIN GEY ATMI DHEMAKON KI MUGER AP TO RATE FIX KER REHY HAIN…ARMY JOURNALIST AND OTHER POLITICIAN LIKE GOHAR AYUB PUT PRESURE ON HIM AND LATE NIGHT THE CALLED HIM TO DO OTHERWISE YOUR GOVT GONA FINISH……..he done and now try to show himself hero….

  10. yeh sir u r right, we r wid u, u r 0ne n only 0ur leader, lub u wid tha depth 0v ma heart,

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