Nawaz Sharif country’s biggest enemy: Marri


Sindh Information and Power Minister Shazia Marri has said that leader of his own group of Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N), Nawaz Sharif is the biggest enemy of Pakistan, supporter of Kalabagh Dam and raised the slogan of “Jag Punjabi Jag”.
She said this while addressing a press conference at the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Sindh Media Cell on Monday. PPP Sindh Media Cell in-charge Fida Hussain Dhakan among other party leaders were also present on the occasion.
Sharif has never condemned or criticised the martial law of General Zia, Marri said.
“The Pakistan Bar Council has also rejected the PML-N’s call of protest march as the people of the country know it very well, who had escaped from the country during the difficult times,’ she said.
Marri said that the the Sharif brothers are supporters of Taliban and dream to be the ‘Amirul Momineen’ of Pakistan.
“The criminal mindset of Nawaz Sharif is evident as he managed to rig the general elections in 1992,” she said. “Mumtaz Bhutto and Farooq Leghari at that time had supported him and now the same story is being repeated Bhutto has come forward in Sindh to support him.”
Sharif was patronised by dictators and got pardon from another dictator to save his skin, the information minister said. “What would have happened with him if he would have remained in jail and not begged mercy from dictators?


  1. Why did Ms. Marri not remind Shaheed Benazir Bhutto of all that she speaks of Nawaz Sharif then? All is well if they form alliances, but all is bad if somebody else does.

  2. Miss Mary ne devrait pas faire de telles déclarations au sujet d'un dirigeants de l'opposition vient de rendre son patron Monsieur Asif Zardari heureux.

  3. Miss Mary should not issue such statements about opposition leaders just to make her boss Mister Asif Zardari happy.

  4. À l'heure actuelle Mlle Marri doit prêter attention à ce qui se passe dans sa ville capitale de la province de Sindh. Lyari brûle. Les gens sont fait tirer dessus par bandit Monsieur Chaudhry Aslam ..

  5. Right now Miss Marri should pay attention to what is happening in her capital city of Sindh. Lyari is burning. People are being fired upon by ruffian Mister Aslam Chaudhry..

  6. Pakistan was created for Muslims of India on the premise of protecting their identity and economic interest in an overwhelming majority of Hindus in India. Once Pakistan came into being, the Islamic glue failed to curb ethnicity based politics and ethnic Identity took precedence over the Muslim identity. Abul Kalam Azad, the leader of congress had warned Indian Muslims that India is a country but Pakistan is going to be an experiment. It appears that this experiment has gone horribly wrong.


  8. I am no fan of Nawaz Sharif but shame on such statements. People should judge our leaders by the statements they make and not wonder why are we poor and backward.

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