SHC admits MQM’s defamation lawsuit


The Sindh High Court (SHC) admitted for hearing on Saturday the defamation lawsuit filed by Dr Farooq Sattar, Deputy Convener of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Coordination Committee, against a TV channel’s anchorperson.
The hearing of the case shall start from May 15.
In the petition, Sattar’s counsel Barrister Farogh Naseem submitted that the host of a programme on a television channel had distorted facts to smear the political image MQM chief Altaf Hussain deliberately.
“The anchorperson persisted in making baseless allegations in spite of clear and unequivocal statements to the contrary by the main characters involved in the infamous Asghar Khan case,” it was stated. “The unfounded allegations have hurt the sentiments of millions of supporters of Hussain.”


  1. The MQM is now changing its tactics to sanitize itself.
    MQM has been exerting pressure on the media, the journalists and anchorpersons to not to criticise MQM or its megalomaniac leader Altaf Hussain.

    There are now following categories
    1) Those who readily support MQM knowing fully that it is a fascist and terrorist organisation. Like Shaheen Sebhai, Nazir Naji, Doctor Danesh, Hassan Nisar and others.

    2) Those who do not, deep in their heart, love MQM because of its activities but
    have to praise these thugs. Good example is Najam Sethi.

    3) Courageous journalists like Wali Khan Babar have been exterminated.

    4) There are some brave anchors who are honest and do not succumb to the pressure of MQM are Mister Kashif Abbasi, Miss Jasmeen, Miss Meher Bukhari and some others. MQM hates these individuals and now pressurising them with filing a legal case

    MQM has gone to the court of Law but they will have a rude shock when the CJP will announce who are recipients of huge money from the ISI many years ago. Mister Altaf Hussain's name will be prominent among the others. Then what?

  2. Le MQM est en train de changer ses tactiques pour se aseptisent.
    MQM a exercé des pressions sur les médias, les journalistes et les présentateurs à ne pas critiquer le MQM ou de son chef de file mégalomane Altaf Hussain.

    Il ya maintenant les catégories suivantes
    1) Ceux qui n'hésitent pas soutenir MQM sachant parfaitement qu'il s'agit d'une organisation fasciste et terroriste. Comme Shaheen Sebhai, Nazir Naji, le docteur Danesh, Hassan Nisar et d'autres.

    2) Ceux qui ne le font pas, au fond de leur cœur, l'amour du MQM en raison de ses activités, mais
    devons louer ces voyous. Un bon exemple est Najam Sethi.

    3) les journalistes courageux comme Wali Khan Babar ont été exterminés.

    4) Il ya quelques points d'ancrage courageux qui sont honnêtes et ne pas succomber à la pression du MQM sont Monsieur Kashif Abbasi, Miss Jasmeen, Miss Meher Bukhari et quelques autres. MQM déteste ces personnes et maintenant pression sur eux avec le dépôt d'une cas juridique

    MQM est allé à la cour de la loi, mais ils auront un rude choc lorsque le CJP annoncera qui sont les bénéficiaires de l'argent énorme de l'ISI il ya plusieurs années. Nom de Monsieur Altaf Hussain sera importante parmi les autres. Alors qu'est-ce?

  3. kashif abbasi should pay the price for the wrong and false allegation against MQM leqaders. he should not lied to deceive people of Pakistan. Kashif abbasi should immediately fired and banned…..

  4. @Hussain. Kashif Abbasi ne mentait pas. Il faisait ses devoirs. Que pensez-vous Monsieur Altaf Hussain a une réputation irréprochable? Il ya certains journalistes qui n'auraient jamais transiger sur priniciples. La menace d'une action en justice contre Kashif va rebondir sur le visage des voyous.

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