No PPP PM will write Swiss letter: Gilani


Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said on Sunday that no prime minister from the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) would write the letter to Swiss authorities to reopen corruption cases against President Asif Ali Zardari.
Speaking to lawyers at his Lahore residence, Gilani said that only the Parliament could decide if he would remain as the prime minister. Gilani reiterated that he would not resign due to any political pressure or to fulfil anyone’s wishes.
Gilani added that until the detailed verdict was in, PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif needed to keep his wishes repressed. He also said that Nawaz Sharif was “confused” and was now confusing politics too, adding, “I will actively reciprocate any kind of politics.”
The prime minister added that certain elements were conspiring against him and he would not back down from any conspiracies.
On April 26, the Supreme Court convicted Prime Minister Gilani in the contempt case for failing to write the letter to Swiss authorities. The prime minister was sentenced till the rising of the court.


  1. Isn't his statement enough to disqualify him from office? He took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution. By refusing to obey the orders of the supreme court (the highest authority on constitution), he is refusing to uphold the constitution. That is enough to hang him.

  2. Shows a lack of checks and balances in our system. The bas*ard should put in electric chair along with zardari, gillani, kiayani and all the other ppp, pml and mqm leaders.

    • u have lost ur mind suffering from anti-PPP syndrome. Days of army takeover are gone and u hv to bear with ur hated PPP another 5 years. I pity you and wonder at u coz anti-democratic Punjabi elite mafia was responsible for 1971 crisis and break-up of Pakistan. You are a great traitor to nation

  3. Is he refusing to write the letter because they don't know how to write? I know our high school drop out president doesn't know how to write. I didn't know the rest of ppp leadership was also illiterate. I volunteer my services for the letter. They can just put their thumb print at the bottom 🙂

  4. Is all the ppp leadership illiterate that they can't write? I'll write the letter for them. They can just put their thumb print at the bottom:)

    • Mr. Altaf why the judges are playing power politics and forcing PM to do an act which Constitution of Pakistan unequivocally and in clear terms declares unconstitutional. Immunity is sanctioned by consitution. If someone does not like it, win elections, get 2/3 majority, and abolish immunity.

    • Mr. Kamran, why dont you think and suggesst CJ to hear case of Shahbaz Sharif lying in SC for last 2 years. If judiciary will do unequal treatment, people will react. Being a majorit and bigger province, it is responsibility of Punjabi leaders first to be tried for corruption.

  5. This statement by PM Gillani, oh sorry by Mr. Gillani futher proves the fact that PPP is a political party that only wishes to serve vested interests of its chairperson and not the awam of Pakistan. I'm sure that if Mr. Z.A Bhutto was alive today he would be ashamed and embarassed to see such selfish and corrupt leaders in his party. PPP is a disgrace and shame, Thanks to Mr.Zardari and Mr Gillani.

    • , why dont you think and suggesst CJ to hear case of Shahbaz Sharif lying in SC for last 2 years. If judiciary will do unequal treatment, people will react. Being a majorit and bigger province, it is responsibility of Punjabi leaders first to be tried for corruption.



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  6. PM is right. It is natural that birds of a feather always flock together whether they are innocent pigeons or hungry vultures.

  7. It only serves to emphasise that people have to decide either to vote for chaos, anarchy that come with PPP or vote them out of power. We elected a PM to serve the people, not himself and his boss or his party, or loot and plunder this country, flout Supreme Court orders and abuse his powers by allowing his family to do what they are doing.

  8. This govt is the most corrupt govt ever to rule Pakistan and should be done away with. The judiciary in Pakistan is also the brothel of nawaz and ch ifti is a pimp who is extremly biased and has no time to hear the cases against nawaz that forever pending but has time to take suo motos in dozens against the govt

  9. Why readers are so angry? PM is right. I think Chief Justice must now ask Sharif brothers to write this letter on behalf of SC Of Punjab.

  10. This prime minister is trying to set a very dangerous precedent. He is being way too short sighted. Tomorrow it'll be somebody else's govt. If a party ever gets enough votes to dominate the parliament, they will totally disregard the laws and even if they commit murder and supreme court sentences them to death, they will say that ony parliament can kick them out and supreme court's verdicts mean nothing. Is that the kind of democracy we want or need?

    • Mr. Kamran, why dont you think and suggesst CJ to hear case of Shahbaz Sharif lying in SC for last 2 years. If judiciary will do unequal treatment, people will react. Being a majorit and bigger province, it is responsibility of Punjabi leaders first to be tried for corruption.

      • Mr. AzeemJan, it is not my place to make any suggestions to the supreme court. It is the governments job to uncover and prosecute corruption and other crimes. I agree that nawaz and his family should also be tried for corruption and other crimes that they are accused of committing. However, that does not excuse the crimes that zardari and gillani are committing on daily basis. I would hate to see it come to the point where their bodies are dragged in streets like we have seen some others in recent past. The general sentiment in the country is that all ppp, pml and mqm leadership should be burnt alive. Personally, I would rather see them hanged 🙂 Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because punjab govt. may be corrupt, does not give gillani to be corrupt as well.

  11. Gillani should never resign. Last time, when Hussain Haqqani resigned to avoid controversy, the court, the “analyses”, and Pakistan Memo League started jumping around, and started saying that his resignation is the “proof” of his guilt. Given this mindset of the politicians who have flourished under dictatorships, I urge the PM not to yield, come what may. I could still remember that Mian Nawaz Sharif before coming out from his hideout for long march called Hillary Clinton to ask Pakistan Government not to arrest him, what was that, wasn’t it a treason involving US secretary of state in personal affairs, but when it comes to PPP, in case of Hussain Haqqani, suddenly the dead conscience of PML-N leaders awake and it is labeled as an act of treason. Mian Sahib’s tirade against a key institution should not be taken as face value; he is very important agent of the same institution.

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