Pakistan Today

Imran’s leadership test

Imran Khan enjoys benefit of doubt because he has never been in power. However, the test of political leadership lies solely in their performance during a national crisis or a tragedy. Present crisis has arisen because decisions of Supreme Court have been mocked at in violation of constitution, thereby shaking very foundations of our democratic republic. The constitution is what the Supreme Court interprets it to be, not what the executive, or majority members of parliament, nor the bureaucracy may construe it to be. In a democracy there is no room for concept that “King does no wrong”, because all men are supposed to be equal in eyes of law. In fact those who occupy high public office and whose decisions impact destiny of 180 million people, must be judged on strict higher scale for morality, ethics and submission before judiciary or rule of law, as compared to ordinary citizens. This is why private lives of those who offer themselves for public service are open to scrutiny. In a democracy if a peon’s family is accused of drug peddling, it can be ignored, but not when the PM’s family is accused of the same.
Imran has been quite soft on Ephedrine scam, a chemical used in preparation of Ecstasy, an addictive and dangerous drug that has killed thousands of youth over the world. His recent silence on virtual murder and culpable homicide by CAA that led to Bhoja crash and compromises of safety by Shaheen Air is shockingly unacceptable. Does he realise that public in Pakistan does not have access to private jets, but vast majority, nearly 90 percent, rely on public air, rail and road transport. He has disappointed his admirers by not visiting the site of Siachen tragedy, where 135 sons of this country have perished, nor visited the unfortunate families whose kith and kin have been missing for years. The Supreme Court of Pakistan was openly rebuked, scandalised and ridiculed by activists of a political party, yet Imran Khan refuses to realise importance of overcoming his ego and make common cause with all political forces that have expressed their support for implementing SC decisions. Time and tide waits for no man. Imran Khan must walk his talk.

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