Fatima Shehzad wins Rotary Club global essay writing competition


Fatima Shehzad has won the essay writing competition organised by the Rotary Club’s Interact District 3272.
Fatima, who represents the Immediate Past District Interact District 3272 and is a Lahore Garrison Interact Club charter member, studies in the Beaconhouse School System.
The topic of the competition was ‘How has social service changed you?’ The competition was open to the youth and was widely promoted by the organisers.
About 200 entries were received from nine different countries.
Wajih Ahmed from the Jhang Saddar Interact Club was declared the runner up while Maryam Ilyas from Chenab College, Jhang won the consolation prize.
Bryan Mohan from Hillview College Rotary International Interact Club, Trinidad and Tobago and Ketki Kulkarni from Interact Club of Aurangabad West, India were awarded Honorary Mentions.
The judges, all Rotarians from Rotary International District 3272, appreciated the efforts of the participants as well as the organising committee for planning the competition.
The idea was conceived by District Interact Representative Talha Mushtaq and was successfully executed by the organising committee that worked tirelessly to encourage people to participate and was a driving force behind the success of the competition.
Interact is a service organisation organised and sponsored by Rotary clubs for youth of ages 12-18. It has more than 12,300 clubs in 133 countries.


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