‘Overseas Pakistanis love PTI!’


Central leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf Abdul Aleem Khan has said that overseas Pakistanis have always played their role in real development of motherland and would fully support PTI for a positive change in the coming general elections.
He added that Imran Khan had given revolutionary agenda to put Pakistan on the right track and overseas Pakistanis would fully support it as according aspirations of citizens.
While addressing business community at Dubai, Khan said membership campaign of PTI had got a historic response outside Pakistan and now people had rejected traditional politics which gave nothing to the masses.
He said every patriotic Pakistanis had decided to support Khan so that poor can also attain equal rights in society. While he also assured that PTI would evolve new comprehensive policy for overseas Pakistanis.
Leaders of Business Community of UAE also addressed while a question answer session on PTI was also held, whence Khan apprised them about special message of Khan.


  1. Only making false statements and practically no outcome,who cares for the thousandsof thousands overseas retunees no shelter,no jobs no business security for them.By talking the hunger and problems are never solved.Decide and do constructive reforms for them .

  2. I am an overseas Pakistan and here all youngsters are with PTI – those who have connection with PAK ambessy and ambessedor like MLN, PPP, ANP etc because they are not clear in their matters. To all PTI will rule – InshAllah.

  3. I have been living in UAE for the past ten plus years & have a circle of friends in office and family friends whom we meet in social gatherings. One thing is common among almost 90 percent of them that they all respect IK for his truthfulness, committment to cause of Pakistan and his vocieferous opposition of these politicians who have plundered the national exchequer. They all view IK as a redeemer & the only hope for the safe future of Pakistan from these corrupt , unscruplous politicians. .

  4. Actually everyone wants to see a positive change in the country. People of Pakistan and also people of other countries. Governments of other countries want to see a new, fresh, neat and clean regime with which some work could be done. Not that the current or previous regimes did not do anything, but to try out a fresh party and see what can they do or what kind of change they can bring in the country or the problems of people can be resolved or plan basic stuff like water, power( electricity ), health, education and employment for people. Imran Khan and PTI should start explaining to the people of the country how they will tackle all these issues and resolve them. By just saying that we will finish corruption in first 100 days on the top is not enough. Give the people complete formula how this curse will be eradicated from top to the layers of the middle and low. It is everywhere like a cancer. Outstanding issues like Kashmir or Kargil or the Creek or the Afghan issue or internal turbulence and unrest. I hope PTI wins and bring this change but it is time for them to tell people how are they going to bring this positive change.

  5. Well, well, Aleem Khan the land mafia tycoon, who made a fortune in partnership and blessing of former Punjab Rangers Don Mehdi, Pervaiz Bashir etc etc is a key leader of Tehreek e Insaaf.

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