Pakistan Today

Caring for our planet

This beautiful planet we call home is teeming with life. In trying to build better homes for ourselves we have done more harm than good to our other earth. Natural disasters have caused some arts of world to be destroyed but the primary cause of environmental crises is man himself.
Exhaust fumes from cars and chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) from everyday product like refrigerators, hair spray etc are also increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and has destroyed the ozone layer. The depletion of ozone layer has left us exposed to the harmful ultra violate rays and cases of skin cancer have increased. Another result of air pollution is global warming which has caused the temperature to rise and change the climate erratically.
Water pollution exists in the form of oil spills from water tankers and industrial discharge from factories has polluted river and oceans thus causing death to marine life. Like air and water, land has not been spared from pollutants. People dispose of their rubbish burying it in dumping ground.
Every individual must contribute as much as possible towards saving the earth. We must throw litter in litter bins not in drains or in the ground. Products made from biodegradable must be used. This can only be possible if we work with the government and take care of our environment.

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