Pakistan Today

Safety first

In previous years, the city of Karachi was hit by predicted thunderstorm but nobody was ever actually prepared according to the intensity of the storm. Hospitals had to face hundreds of casualties due to unpreparedness for such thunderstorms.

Pakistan is predicted to receive a thunderstorm that could carry on for more than one day. So to deal with this thunderstorm and mitigate its harm, we should all take some simple measures to protect ourselves and our families from being harmed.

Firstly, if you have any loosely fixed windows, get them fixed properly because they can easily break from the pressure of the wind. Secondly, it’s better and much safer if you move your beds and sitting areas away from windows. Thirdly, many of us have our wiring systems on our roofs. The wires should be checked properly and if any wire is exposed or naked, an electrician should be called and it should be covered post-haste. Fourthly, a fact that is ignored is that when there is heavy rainfall, the water seeps in to walls and may enter the electric socket/electrical board due to which there is a danger of a person receiving an electric shock. So use rubber slippers as much as you can and before using a socket/electrical board, observe the area around it for any seepage. If there appears to be some, try using a wooden tool to operate it.



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