Pakistan Today

Turkey intercepts ship with suspected arms headed for Syria

Turkey has intercepted a vessel in the Mediterranean suspected of carrying weapons and ammunition to Syria, a diplomatic source told AFP on Wednesday. “We received information that the vessel has a cargo of arms and ammunition headed for Syria,” the source said on condition of anonymity, adding that Turkish authorities would search the vessel later in the day. The Antigua and Barbuda flagged “Atlantic Cruiser” belongs to a German company, the source added. The German shipping firm denied allegations Monday that its vessel was carrying Iranian arms to Syria, violating EU sanctions against the Damascus regime. News weekly Der Spiegel reported at the weekend that the Atlantic Cruiser, owned by German company Bockstiegel but chartered by a Ukrainian firm, had been stopped on the high seas with Iranian weapons on board. Bockstiegel said they had no indication that the cargo included arms or ammunition as stated in the press, and the Ukranian company that chartered the ship further testified that the cargo contained no weapons, but legal goods for civilian use. The ship was stopped close to the Turkish port in Iskenderun for a port inspection of its cargo.

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