Pakistan Today

North Korea rejects UN condemnation of rocket launch

North Korea on Tuesday rejected the United Nations’ condemnation of its rocket launch and vowed to continue to try to put a satellite into orbit. “We resolutely and totally reject the unreasonable behaviour of the UN Security Council to violate the DPRK’s (North Korea’s) legitimate right to launch satellites,” the foreign ministry said in a statement carried by state media. The statement came after the Security Council ordered tightened sanctions on North Korea over its failed rocket launch Friday and warned of new action if the isolated state stages a nuclear test. The 15-member council — including the North’s closest ally China and nuclear-armed Pakistan — “strongly condemned” the launch in a statement that highlighted “grave security concerns” in Asia. Led by its new young ruler Kim Jong-Un, the North claimed it launched a satellite-carrying rocket but the United States and its allies said it was a disguised long-range ballistic missile test banned under UN resolutions.

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