India willing to discuss Kashmir with Pakistan


India is willing to restart talks with Pakistan over the Kashmir dispute as part of efforts to advance the peace process, a top Indian diplomat has said.
At the same time, Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, underscored the need for Pakistan to take serious action against what he called militants that use its soil to attack India. Mathai’s statement came in the wake of President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit to India on Sunday during which Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh accepted his invitation to make a first official trip to Pakistan. A deal over the Himalayan territory of Kashmir, split between India and Pakistan in 1948 and claimed in its entirety by both, is vital to a long-term peace deal between the two nations, which have fought three wars since independence from Britain in 1947. Pakistani officials have long demanded India start discussions on Kashmir, while India wants Pakistan to crack down on militants. Choreographing progress on these demands will likely be important for further progress in the détente, the paper said.Abdul Basit, spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of Pakistan, said while there had been progress in the “tone and tenor” of the discussions, Pakistan believed that “unless the Jammu and Kashmir issue is resolved we cannot expect lasting peace in South Asia”.

Mathai claimed Pakistan’s failure to clamp down on militant groups that have attacked India was the major roadblock to peace talks. He said it was deeply troubling to India that Hafiz Saeed was able to address public gatherings and appear on television. The US and India alleged Hafiz Saeed helped plan the 2008 attacks on Mumbai, which killed more than 160 people. Last week, Washington offered a $10 million reward for information leading to his arrest and conviction.
At the same time, Mathai said New Delhi viewed recent moves by Pakistan, including an agreement in February to open its markets to Indian goods, as a signal Islamabad was serious about an improvement in ties. “I wouldn’t have been as optimistic six months ago,” Mathai said about prospects for the latest round of peace talks, which began in earnest a year ago. “The fact the government is able to move on the trade track shows there s a greater willingness to take things forward by all the players.”
As the talks develop, India would consider reopening a serious discussion on Kashmir, Mathai said. New Delhi, he added, “would be happy” to start talks toward a deal to keep Kashmir s borders as they are but allow greater trade and movement of people across the Line of Control, the de facto frontier that divides the territory. New Delhi believes it is now “up to the Pakistanis to decide how to proceed” on peace talks, Mathai said.
India, he added, is looking for “something solid” to announce before Prime Minister Singh visits Pakistan. One potential area of progress, Indian and Pakistan officials say, is a deal over Sir Creek, an area of marshland bordering the Pakistan province of Sindh and Indian state of Gujarat and claimed by both countries. Other areas of discussion are likely to prove more contentious.


  1. As the dialogue moves forward, there can be no limits on the solution as Mithai wishes it.

  2. Goodluck, but what to negotiate about current line of control as borders? there can never be a solution if there is no give and take on both side with a real desire for peace.
    Same goes for Siachen, both countries dont need to be there at all and go back to initial positions before this adventure.

  3. All disputes between the two countries are binational and not international.The rigid position of India is well established i.e what is under our control is ours but we are willing to discuss what is under your control! All CBM have come to nothing. Since Simla Pact the world has lost interest in Kashmir and after Kargill we are looked upon as trouble makers. Before we embark on difficult negotiations we need solid democratic institutions with firm leaders who will take the population into confidence and sensitise them of changing perception. This has never occured in Pakistan.

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