Organ donation campaign extended


An organ donation campaign initiated by the Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT) has gained momentum with an overwhelming response received from various sections of the society, pledging to donate their organs after their death for life-saving purposes.
In view of the overwhelming response received from the public, the SIUT has extended the activities of the campaign for another week.
The campaign to mobilise public at large and educate them about the benefits of organ donations was launched by the SIUT last Saturday at a special event, presided over by the National Assembly Speaker Dr Fehmida Mirza, who also pledged to donate her organs as part of the organ donation drive.
According to the figures released by the SIUT, over 500 people have pledged to donate their organs by completing the formalities at the institute during the campaign.
An exhibition highlighting the importance of deceased organ donation and its medical and social impact was also arranged at the SIUT.
A massive turnout was witnessed at the exhibition, where students from educational institutions and representatives of professional organisations also visited.
In 2010, around 100,000 organ transplants were carried around across the globe out of which 75,000 were of kidneys only, which included 25 percent of transplants based on deceased donation.
The voluntarily donation of cadaver transplant is being performed in all leading Muslim societies while the Islamic Ideology Council of Pakistan has also declared the donation a generous act.


  1. The definition that anyone who is "brain dead" is "entirely dead" is a medical invention. It serves only the interests of the medical doctors’ class. The definition of brain death was introduced in 1968, on the quick, by doctors of the American Harvard University. Why? A medical colleague was on trial for killing a patient. To get this doctor out of the juridical line of fire, the doctors invent the "brain death", an arbitrary definition in favour of the accused doctor, and by this they trick the Court.

    Who is "brain dead", is alive!

    More information see here:


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