Pakistan Today

North Korea fuels rocket for anniversary launch

Defying worldwide calls to back down, North Korea said Wednesday it is fuelling a rocket for launch during a landmark anniversary as it gave its young leader a new title to bolster his authority. Pyongyang has scheduled the launch in a five-day window starting Thursday. It says the “historic” event is a centrepiece of celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of founding leader Kim Il-Sung on April 15. The rocket is ostensibly designed to put an observation satellite in orbit, but the United States and allies say it is in fact a ballistic missile test by the nuclear-armed state in violation of a United Nations ban. The anniversary will celebrate the family dynasty which has ruled the impoverished nation since 1948 and cement the power of the founder’s grandson Kim Jong-Un, who took over after his own father Kim Jong-Il died in December. The ruling Workers’ Party, holding only its fourth-ever special conference Wednesday, conferred an apparently new title of “first secretary” on Jong-Un and declared his late father its “eternal” general secretary. “The communist state has created the new title for Jong-Un to control the party while continuing the legacy of his father,” Cheong Seong-Chang of South Korea’s Sejong Institute told AFP. Paik Hak-Soon of the same institute said the decision was “rather a smart move… to highlight Jong-Un’s loyalty and love for his father and thus further legitimise his status as the latest protege of the ruling Kim dynasty”. In Pyongyang, officials said launch preparations were proceeding apace. “We are injecting fuel as we speak. It has started (and it) will be over in the near future,” Paek Chang-Ho, director of North Korea’s mission control centre just outside Pyongyang, told foreign journalists. “The launch of the satellite this time will be successful because Comrade Kim Jong-Un is guiding us through the launch step by step, and gives us personal guidance,” he said.

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