Police uniform

Some senior police officials have come up with the idea that black uniform is the root cause of all the ills prevalent in their force. They are of the opinion that if only their uniform was changed all of a sudden, then their force would be transformed into an efficient one. Such thinking lacks the desire of soul-searching and an urge to carry out critical analysis of dismal performance of the police. I will not compare our police with the police of the US or the UK but with those of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who are a truly professional force.
They are maintaining admirable peace and tranquillity throughout the length and breadth of the Kingdom. Their traffic police are equally efficient. One can notice how efficiently they regulate the traffic during the peak season of Haj. The crime rate in the Kingdom is one of the lowest in the world. This is because the police there are scrupulously clean. They are led by men of integrity who are God-fearing. They are neither greedy nor have any lust for amassing wealth by means fare or foul.
Culprits are taken to the gallows, no matter how influential they may be. Just to give an example how safe their highways are, you can crisscross the Kingdom with your family in the pitch dark nights fearlessly, no harm will come. This force is modestly paid. They put on decent uniform and I know for sure that for the last 30 years their uniform has not been changed.
What our police force needs is demonstration of leadership. Merit should be the hallmark of induction into the police force. Greed and avarice should be shunned. This trait can be instilled through self-example from the top. The police should be made an independent force totally insulated from the stinking influence of their political masters. The image of the police can be enhanced by formulating their attitude and not by changing their uniform.