Pakistan Today

‘Obama’s head not worth two pennies’

Ameer Jamaat e Islami Syed Munawar Hasan has said that Hafiz Muhammad Saeed’s head was priceless while US President Obama’s head is not worth two pennies because it had been filled with evil destroying the global world peace.
Addressing a huge Friday congregation at Mansoora mosque, he said that 180 million people of Pakistan were with Hafiz Saeed and applauded his valour and determination. “There are thousands of Hafiz Saeeds in this country, so on how many would Washington place head money!” he exclaimed.
The JI Amir said, on one hand, the US claimed friendship with Pakistan but on the other hand it was supporting India and wanted to build it as regional policeman. He said the Pakistani courts had acquitted Hafiz Muhammad Saeed of all charges due to lack of evidence whereas a US official visiting India had announced head money for Hafiz Saeed only to draw applause from New Delhi. Syed Munawar Hasan said the US had gone mad in the desire to punish the future generations of Afghanistan and to wipe out Jehad from the earth and was using this country as a tool. He exhorted the parliament to take a bold stance and unanimously reject the US pressure for the restoration of NATO supplies.
He also stressed upon the parties opposed to the NATO supplies not to boycott the parliament session as it would enable the ruling alliance to achieve their goal. Instead, they should attend the session and present their viewpoint with full force, he pleaded. He said the nation would not permit NATO supplies as it would be suicidal. He said it was a matter of life and death and the nation should not remain neutral in this regard. He also appealed to the truck drivers to refuse to drive the NATO containers to Afghanistan. Syed Munawar further pointed out that US had bluntly refused to apologize for the attack on the Salala military post, therefore, Pakistan authorities’ request to Washington for an apology was adding insult to injury. He said Washington had held Pakistan responsible for the attack which was ridiculous. He opined that Pervez Musharraf had plunged the nation in the so-called war on terror while the PPP government was pushing the nation towards a complete US slavery.

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