Wi Tribe, Pessi win in Members Polo


Wi Tribe Shahsawars and Pessi got wins in the Members Polo Cup here at the LPC ground on Thursday. Wi Tribe Shahsawars was lucky enough to get the win all due to the one and a half goal handicap it had while Pessi fough for the win. Wi Tribe Shahsawars beat Magic River 6½-6 while PESSI managed 5-3 win over Diamond Paints. Hashim Kamal Agha, Col Asif Zahoor and Agha Murtaza Ali Khan efforts went in vane for Magic River while Ahmad Nawaz Tiwana and Omar Asjad Malhi the goals for Wi Tribe. In the other match, Shah Qubilai Alam, Kashif Jamal and Malik Azam Hayat Noon played their part for Pessi’s win while Saqib Khan Khakwani and Mir Shoaib Ahmad did their best to give tough time to the rivals.