Pakistan Today

Making the smarter choice

The recent initiative of the Punjab government of distributing laptops amongst thousands of brilliant students of public colleges and universities across the province has met with great success. This initiative helps alleviate the gap between the haves and haves not in terms of providing access to tools of modern education is reason enough to appreciate it. However, there are other factors in play that make it rather unique. The laptops being distributed come equipped with the Linux based operating system. Ubuntu 10.10 is distributed as free and open source software. The decision of the government to avail the open source option is important for several important reasons. Firstly, it reduces dependence on proprietary software vendors and secondly it drastically cuts down on the overall cost of the machines. Since they are not bundled with expensive licensed software such as Microsoft Office they are cost-effective and provide value for money, an important factor for the government to consider which has an inherent responsibility and fiduciary duty to the taxpayers. Open source is also a catalyst for development as it allows users to adapt the software to their own needs. This can improve IT and programming skills that in turn promote innovation. The Ubuntu OS comes installed with Libre Office and the internet browser Firefox. Additional software that is not installed by default can be downloaded and installed using the Ubuntu Software Center without paying any additional charges – an added bonus, since this would be illegal with proprietary software. Also, Ubuntu does not need an antivirus as its kernel is designed in such a way that no spam or virus can affect it.
The government has been equally prudent in its choice of hardware. The laptop procured, Dell Inspiron 4050, comes with a 15 month warranty inclusive of battery against the industry norm of 12 months. Its specs include a 2GB RAM, 320GB HDD, DVD writer, Wifi, Bluetooth, 3 in 1 media Card Reader, HDMI ports and a high resolution (1366 x 768) display – all features that adequately address the requirements of students while still remaining economical. Additionally, the laptops contain the Intel Pentium Dual Core B950 chipset which is the newest among the Intel Dual Core family of processors and comes with the latest Intel Sandy Bridge HM67 Chipset.
A DVD has been provided with every laptop which contains drivers for not only Ubuntu but Windows OS as well. The DVD contains details of nine service and support centers that have been established in order to provide support services to students at all the nine divisional headquarters. A toll free number and web address has also been provided to facilitate the students to log their complaints online. The distribution of laptops to deserving young people is important in that it helps foster the growth of technology and uses IT as a means for s ocial and economic development. In connection to this, the decision of the government to use open source software is a bold choice that encourages a fresh learning process amongst our students, promotes innovation and shows a new way forward where dependence on proprietary software is no longer necessary.

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