Japan provides $6m for Afghan refugees operations


The Government of Japan has decided to extend US$6 million to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to support its Afghan refugees operations in Pakistan.
This is a part of the Official Development Assistance (ODA) of the government of Japan, totaling US$ 30 million to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran for UNHCR refugees operations.
The contribution toward Pakistan will be utilized for mainly three component; primary education (US$ 2.2 million), primary healthcare (US$ 2.3 million), and legal services (US$ 1.5 million), and is expected to improve the living situation of 1.7 million Afghan refugees remaining in Pakistan.
“We hope that this assistance will contribute to accelerate UNHCR and the Government of Pakistan’s efforts to the management and repatriation of Afghan refugees, and also we expect synergetic impact on our on-going assistance for Afghan refugees and their hosting communities in Pakistan,” said Mr. Akira KONO, Chargé d’Affaires ad interim of Japan to Pakistan.