Anti-dengue arrangements reviewed


Punjab Environment Secretary Saeed Wahla visited tyre shops, nurseries and junkyards in Rawalpindi and reviewed arrangements in connection with the anti-dengue campaign being carried out by the Punjab government. During the visit, he ordered that a tyre shop be sealed for keeping the tyres in the open.
He also visited a number of nurseries and directed their managements to keep the clay pots covered with plastic sheets so that the dengue larvae could not flourish in case of rainfall.
Punjab Environment Department Deputy Directors Muhammad Yousaf, Naseeb ur Rehman, Rawalpindi DO Environment Muhammad Usman were also accompanying the secretary.
Later, the secretary presided over a meeting of the district officers of all the districts of the division.
The secretary was briefed about the progress of the anti-dengue campaign in their respective districts.
Lahore Deputy Director Muhammad Yousaf informed the meeting that during the last two days, 33 such spots were identified where the dengue larvae could flourish, including tyre shops, junkyards, nurseries and under construction buildings.
Various tyre shop managements were served notices for not obeying the Punjab government’s instructions in this connection.
Secretary Saeed Wahla also directed the officers of the department that list of those tyre shops which were registered by the TMAs should be obtained from the TMOs and special raids be conducted so as to check the implementation of Government’s instructions issued for the tyre shops and on violation, challans must be done.
He further directed that complete data of this campaign should be compiled and be sent to the Punjab government secretariat environment department along with progress report of the anti dengue campaign carried in the districts so that it could be presented in the Punjab Cabinet committee meeting.
Discussion highlights relation of religion, culture: Sufi Islamic Scholar, Professor Ahmed Rafique Akhtar on Thursday, highlighted the relation of religion and culture in terms of mysticism and spirituality and called the young generation to follow the true ethical values of this relation.
The Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA) in collaboration with the Ministry of National Heritage and Integration arranged the lecture and discussion on ‘Deen Aur Saqafat Ka Rishta’.
Prof Rafique explained Islam as a modern and revolutionary religion: “Traditions are outcomes of varieties which create a new environment. In the beginning traditions oppose these varieties but gradually feel proud of it. The advancement of science and technology considered all religions as unreliable but not Islam.”
“All scientific inventions and discoveries were unable to compete with the Qura’n. Unfortunately now people have stopped reading Qura’n with complete understanding and they are doing researches on the basis of modern sciences,” he said.
Culture is the system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors and traditions of a particular human group, a way of living learned from, and shared by, the members of that group.
Understanding the concept of culture is key to understanding human behavior.
He said culture and religion are part of human life to create harmony in different matters.
Participants, including students and people from different walks of life took part in the discussion to explore the subject and understand the concepts in detail.
Ahmad Rafique Akhtar (born April 15, 1941) has been associated with teaching for years and delivers lectures on different Islamic and philosophical topics all over the country and abroad.
Many of his lectures have been published in books.
Ahmed Rafique is known as ‘Mystic of this Era’ who focuses on topics like mysticism, religion, today’s world, approach to Quran, science and Islam.