US not to enter into agreement with Pakistan detrimental to its security: Clinton


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said the Obama Administration will not enter into any agreement with Pakistan that would be to the detriment of the national security of the country.
Replying to a question in an interview after visit to Middle East, Clinton said President Obama has demonstrated conclusively that he is ready to take the tough decisions when America’s security is at stake.
Clinton refused to comment when asked if US is going to agree to a different way of using drones which is a very controversial issue in Pakistan.


  1. America's security is at stake? Really? What about your drones and Raymonds that have killed thousands of Pakistani soldiers and civilians including women and children? Thats called terrorism ms clinton! I wont even talk about Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo, Gharaib, and illegal detention/torture centers around the world. Why are you making a joke of yourselves in public? This is a new age when we know what we need to know. Joker. Now go pay China the trillion dollars that you owe them. LOLS.

  2. US security is anything challenging its hagemony world over; the insatiable desire to be the ruler of the world. In the name of security they have come up with new laws such as NDAA which empowers US army to arrest anyone for indefinite period and is not bound to judicial help. There new found up coming world power India is yet to cross Ireland (a country with a population of 60 million) in terms of exports.

  3. One rule which will never change is – might is right. What kind of a super power is it that it's security is threatened by Hafiz Saeed? Not long ago it was threatened by Iraq and Afghanistan. Shame on super power using such cheap tactics all over the world to promote it's hegemony.

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