People dying in Karachi of ‘natural’ causes: Malik


There was no target killing Karachi on Sunday and the people killed in the city, who were shown killed in violent accidents by the media, died of natural causes, personal enmities and accidents, Interior Minister Senator Rehman Malik said on Monday.
Talking to journalists, Malik said that the media should avoid spreading sensation by misreporting facts regarding law and order in Karachi. He said that the media had wrongly reported that six people had died in target killing in the port city. The minister requested the media to refrain from `misreporting’ and added that a system had been set up where reporters can call up the authorities concerned to find out the cause of any incident occurred in the city.
Malik said that Sindh Home Minister Manzoor Wassan and policemen were always available to confirm the cause of any incident and if they were not available, then there was a Crisis Management Cell, which was open 24 hours and had all information about crimes taking place across Pakistan.
He said that airing of an incorrect report, like that of a target killing, can cause further tensions among people. The minister clarified that no operation was being carried out but targeted action against criminals without any discrimination was being conducted to maintain law and order in Karachi.


  1. Rehman Malik est un satan. Il est menteur compulsif obsessionnel. Cet homme ne mérite pas d'être le ministre de l'Intérieur. Son objet principal est de sauver les ânes de dirigeants du MQM, y compris un grand satan connu sous le nom Altaf Hussain.

    • Rehman Malik, es un satanás. Él es mentiroso compulsivo obsesivo. Este hombre no merece ser el ministro del Interior. Su principal objetivo es salvar el culo a los líderes del MQM, incluidos un gran satanás conocido como Altaf Hussain.

      • الرئيسي منه هو لإنقاذ الحمير من قادة الحركة القومية المتحدة، بما في ذلك الشيطان الأكبر المعروف باسم ألطاف حسين.

        • レーマン·マリクは悪魔です。彼は強迫嘘つきである。この男は内務大臣に値することはありません。その主な目的は、Altaf Hussain氏として知られる偉大な悪魔など、MQMの指導者の尻を保存することです。

          • Rehman Malik is 'n satan. Hy is 'n obsessiewe kompulsiewe leuenaar. Hierdie man verdien nie aan die Minister van Binnelandse Sake. Die hoofdoel is om die esels van die MQM leiers, waaronder 'n groot satan bekend as altaf Hussain te red.

          • Рехман Малик является сатана. Он обсессивно-компульсивное лжец. Этот человек не заслуживает того, чтобы быть министром внутренних дел. Его основная цель заключается в сохранении ослов ДМК лидеров, в том числе большой сатана известный как Altaf Хусейна.

          • רעהמאַן מאַליק איז אַ שׂטן. ער איז אַבסעסיוו קאַמפּאַלסיוו ליגנער. דעם מענטש טוט ניט פאַרדינען צו זיין די ינלענדיש מיניסטער. זייַן הויפּט ציל איז צו ראַטעווען די אַסאַז פון מקם פירער, אַרייַנגערעכנט אַ גרויס שׂטן באקאנט ווי אַלטאַף כוסיין.

          • ರೆಹಮಾನ್ ಮಲಿಕ್ ಒಂದು ಸೈತಾನ ಆಗಿದೆ. ಅವರು ಆಂತರಿಕ ನಿರ್ಬಂಧದಿಂದ ಸುಳ್ಳು ಆಗಿದೆ. ಈ ಮನುಷ್ಯ ಆಂತರಿಕ ಮಂತ್ರಿ ಎಂದು ಅನಗತ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಇಲ್ಲ. ಇದರ ಮುಖ್ಯ ಉದ್ದೇಶ ಆಲ್ತಾಫ್ ಹುಸೇನ್ ಎಂಬ ಮಹಾನ್ ಸೈತಾನ ಸೇರಿದಂತೆ ಎಂಕ್ಯೂಎಮ್ ನಾಯಕರ asses, ಉಳಿಸುವುದು.

          • Rehman Malik je sotona. On je opsesivno kompulzivni lažljivac. Taj čovjek ne zaslužuje biti ministar unutarnjih poslova. Njegova glavna svrha je spasiti magarce od MQM vođa, uključujući i velike sotone poznat kao Altaf Hussain.

          • रहमान मलिक ने एक शैतान है. वह जुनूनी बाध्यकारी झूठा है. यह आदमी के आंतरिक मंत्री बनने लायक नहीं है. इसका मुख्य उद्देश्य के लिए एमक्यूएम नेताओं के गधे सहित एक महान शैतान अल्ताफ हुसैन के रूप में जाना जाता है, को बचाने के लिए है.

  2. Stupidity must be a requirement to be a cabinet member in this govt. I am starting to think it may be a requirement to be a ppp member or supporter (they keep voting these idiots in).

  3. This is awesome. Rehman Malik continues to impress with his sheer stupidity & idiocracy. What else can one expect from Zardari mafia.

  4. Dr Rahman Malik deserved his PHD from Karachi university. It is indeed news that people who die from bullet or stabbing die of natural causes, —next Dr RM will tell us that Laiquat Ali Khan and BB also died of natural causes. He has in his wisdom already stated that girl friends and wives are getting their boy friends and husbands killed. How simplistic his analysis are. Reminds me of Pink Panther. What is the analysis of our genius cop on extortion and bhatta mafia. He should recommend a Nobel Peace Price for the kankattas of MQM, or langras of Aman Comm and akhrots of ANP, or mullahs of Sunni Tehreek etc.

  5. Just imagine what he is saying .He should have been removed from the post long time back .

  6. iss ki maaa ki!!!…like seriously..& Pakistan Today is being a comedian show posting these kind of statements..seriously GE mai na haataa tou jotay se mary gy iss ko!!!
    kia pagal insan hai yeh!!!

  7. My dear all pakistanis… u know y now a days politions damn care abt the nation because they are not elected by their votes, they just elected by US or someother wishes… so its time to think abt the selection of those forces who are not controlled by the outsiders… see the result by ur self they increased the poverty …… daily they are killing many pakistani muslims via dron attacks…. awake up pls. and do something for pakistan including myself..

  8. The most irresponsible,corrupt,liar,inefficient,crime partner…federal minister in the history of Pakistan.

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