Pakistan Today

JI chief lashes out at corrupt officials

Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Syed Munawar Hasan, has said that the government was out to flout the Supreme Court judgment on RPPs in the way it had done in regard to the earlier decisions of the apex court.
He said, despite the passage of three days, neither the NAB had initiated any action against any accused nor any names had been put on the ECL which showed that the rulers were intentionally bulldozing the court decisions. This was a totally undemocratic and unconstitutional attitude which was bound to have a lasting effect, he added.
He was addressing a ceremony marking the completion of the Hifz e Quran by 20 students at the Madrassa Tahfeez e Qurazn, at Mansoora. Maulana Abdul Ma’lik, and JI Foreign Affairs chief, Abdul Ghaffar Aziz, also spoke on the occasion.
Munawar said that a society where jungle law prevailed, where tyranny and injustice ruled the roost and where rulers themselves were involved in crime, could not last long. He said that the commotion in Balochistan and Karachi at present was also because of the injustice going on all over the country. He said that the rulers considered themselves above the law and the constitution, and personal interests were dearer to them than national interests. The financial and moral corruption of the rulers had crossed all limits. The situation had worsened to an extent that things could not be set right without a complete revolution, and there were indications to suggest that a resolution was around the corner. The oppressive raise in the POL prices had driven the country to a turning point and the situation could explode any moment.

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