Vegetable prices go up at Sunday bazaars


The prices of vegetables have gone up at the city’s Sunday bazaars as compared with the previous week. This Sunday, the prices of most of vegetables including tomatoes, potato, garlic, gourd, ladyfinger witnessed significant increase in prices than the prices of last Sunday.
According to price list of Sunday Bazaar, the price of tomato recorded an increase of Rs 20 per kg. Tomato was sold at Rs 56 20 per kg against the previous week’s rate when they were available for Rs 36 per kg.
This week, the prices of gourd and ladyfinger also witnessed an increase of Rs 10 per kg each. Ladyfinger was sold at Rs 130 20 per kg and gourd was sold at Rs 56 per kg. The price of potato also witnessed an increase of Rs 4 per kg. it was sold at Rs 24 per kg against the last week’s price of Rs 20 per Kg.
With the advent of spring, the price of lemon also witnessed a sudden increase and this Sunday lemon was sold at Rs 112 per Kg against the last week’s price of Rs 72 20 per kg.
This week, however, the prices of onion witnessed a decrease of Rs 3 per kg than the previous week’s rates. This week onion was sold at Rs 24 per kg while the prices of brinjal, cucumber, pumpkin, peas, cauliflower and cabbage remained unchanged.
Fruit Section: In this section, apple (golden) witnessed an increase of Rs 10 and it was sold at Rs 120 20 per kg while apple (Kalani) also recorded an increase of Rs 10 20 per kg and it was sold at Rs 160 per kg. However, the prices of orange and banana remained stable.
According to list, the price of chicken witnessed a decrease of Rs 3 per kg than the last Sunday’s price. Chicken was sold at Rs 147 per kg against the last week price when it was available for Rs 150 20 per kg.