Altaf blasts Sindhi nationalists


MQM chief Altaf Hussain said on Wednesday that so-called Sindhi nationalists are busy in spreading hatred against Urdu speakers under a well-planned strategy. In a statement, the MQM chief demanded of authorities to stop nationalists from issuing provoking statements against Urdu speakers. He also appealed to Urdu speakers to show restraint. Altaf said that the MQM always pursued the policy of reconciliation. The MQM chief warned that those who were spreading hatred against Urdu speakers should be aware that they were living in the 21st Century.


  1. I would say that we should hang altaf by the neck also but i can't find his neck anywhere. It just goes from shoulder to head :))

  2. Here we go again. The Pakistan Today loves this moron and always publishes this portrait of Altaf Hussain which shows him as if he was the most popular man on the planet earth. Compare this picture with what you witnessed yesterday in which he was seen in a video footage appearing like a terminally ill and spewing venom. He was clearly threatening the state of Pakistan. He has become a Frankenstein's monster now. So far people like Asif Zardari, Rehman Malik and Dr Asim are around nothing is going to happen to Altaf. He will continue to pull strings from London.

  3. Sindhi nationalist were made to come to fore, because of the hatred this Frankenstein's monster created when he became chief of MQM party many decades ago. Karachi was a very peaceful city then, but after the induction of MQM, they started racist policies towards Sindhis, Balochs, Pushtoons . They started politics of Bhatta Khori, kidnappings, looting and a culture of AK-47s. From that day onwards, Entrepreneurs started shifting the industry from Karachi to Lahore, as well as outside the country only because of fear. MQM have adopted the policy similar to Israel in their politics. To face such a threat, Sindhi nationalist have to come to fore, and Sindhi nationalist will be favored by Sindhis, Balochs & Pushtoons, till this threat looms large.

  4. Altaf Hussain's murderous policies are being ignored by the British government who can not be that naive to know his activities. I am confident if the British government restrains this thug and disconnects him from communication links peace will return to Karachi within hours. MQM is not a political party. It is a mafia and Altaf is a Don. It is incomprehensible that the British government has sent British troop to Afghanistan to fight against terrorists who could otherwise have killed British citizens but at the same a master balckmailer, extortionist and a terrorist has been let loose and continue his thuggish activities from . THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT SHOULD RECONSIDER ITS DECISION TO GIVE A SANCTUARY TO THIS TERRORIST AND SAVE INNOCENT LIVES IN SINDH.

  5. He is muderer, rapist, extotionist and killer of the highest nature. He killed Dr Imran Farooq, Azim Tariq and was involved in killing of thousand mohajor youth. He should be hanged publicly..Insha-allah, days are getting closer…..He is destined for Hell

    Uzair Ahmed

  6. Altar Hussain has himself to blame for the lash back. He has tried and failed to separate Karachi from Sindh, he is the worse thing that could have happened to Karachi, which used to be a peaceful, propersous and a fun city. Now it is nothing but the killing fields. Mr. Altar Hussain introduced thuggery, bhatta culture and summary executions in this, what used to be a beautiful city.

    When will the Karachiites wake up and get rid of these thugs?

  7. O`SHAHINSHAH do not exploit the people of pakistan by using himself are spreading hatred among the people of pakistan by sitting in muslim enemy country.Stop your lectureship and come Pakistan to face the criminals cases overhere.You are agent of India and jews.You are oppurtunists,then why you are in the are blackmailing the mad cream of ppp.

  8. Altaf has brought misery to Pakistan in general and Sindh in particular. Look at the tenor of his video speech yesterday. If his baffooned face and language is got analysed from a psychologist, I am sure his impression about this man would be that he was and is a psychopath and possibly schizophrenic. He does not look a normal man. He is in a recluse and he has nothing else to do but to engage in mafiosi activities. He has left his disciples who are equally murderous and do not have any qualms if innocent people are slaughtered. The whole bunch of these MQM operatives including their master are sadists and murderers. The people of Pakistan should pray to Allah for punishing these criminals.

  9. The media who claims to be independent has not played its role of exposing murderers like Altaf Hussain, Wasim Akhtar, Qaimkhani and Ghauri. On the contrary they give them undue importance as if the MQM is largest party in the country.

    Imagine, what happens when there is announcement that Altaf Hussain will make a speech to his ready made gathering in Karachi. The whole attention of the media is diverted to the microphones lying infront of disciples of Altaf Hussain hours before this despicable man starts his dyslexic speech. At that time all the TV channels would be showing this sick man. If such is the media then this curse on Karachi will continue.

    Recently Waseem Akhtar was on Kashif Abbasi's off the record chat program. As soon as Kashif showed the names on the list who were beneficiaries of ISI funds and soon as he mentioned name of Altaf Hussain Waseem Akhtar lost his mind and he threatened to stop the programme because his leader's name was mentioned by Kashif. I am sure MQM must have done arm twisting of Kashif but as I observe Kashif Abbasi has stood steadfast against these thugs and refused to tender an apology.

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