Pakistan Today

Pope heads to Cuba to shore up Catholic Church

Pope Benedict XVI heads Monday to multi-denominational Cuba, where the Catholic Church has minority status but maintains a special dialogue with the communist regime, in the absence of legal opposition. Benedict XVI, who made his first visit to Mexico at the weekend, set the tone for the Cuba trip by insisting Marxism “as it was designed, no longer corresponds to reality,” and it would be useful to “find new models” of governing. He said Friday that Catholics were ready “to help in a constructive dialogue necessary to avoid trauma.” But the pontiff added that it was “obvious that the church is always on the side of freedom of conscience, freedom of religion” and that in Cuba, “ordinary Catholics contribute to finding the path forward.” However, nobody expects a clash between the pontiff and the Cuban government, even as it continued a government crackdown on its opponents. At least 70 dissidents have been arrested by Cuban authorities in an effort to stop a demonstration during Benedict XVI’s visit, opposition sources said.

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