Bilal Khar denies acid throwing incident


Former Punjab MPA Bilal Khar has denied throwing acid at his former wife Fakhra Yunus 12 years ago.
Talking to a private TV channel on Sunday, he said that Fakhra lived with him for four months after the acid attack.
During this time, Bilal Khar claimed that Fakhra refused to tell him who had attacked her.
“She committed suicide because promises committed to her by certain people were not fulfilled,” Khar said.
Bilal Khar was accused of throwing acid at his former wife Fakhra Yunus who committed suicide in Rome on Saturday.
Her body was brought back to Pakistan on Sunday and she was laid to rest in a graveyard in Karachi.


  1. she died 6 days ago and now they knew about her, media just creates hype and tension for its advertisers, money and for rating only, he was acquitted by the court of Pakistan, media should go and approach to that judge and ask him questions why this man was released otherwise have some confidence in the judiciary

    • I absoulty agree, why are we just hearing of this poor women. This man and many like him are truly Godless, they forget that there will be a higher judgement day awaiting them, I am really sadden for women in these countries, I hope she found some peace in the end, and that her son will one day understand why she did it.

  2. I wish there was a way to contact him and let him know how much of a punk he was! She was too beautiful for him and he was probably jealous!

  3. It is so very very sad, that in 2012 men can hide behind their culture, and commit the most atrocious acts against INNOCENT, CARING, BEAUTIFUL women, while walking free. This man BILAL KHAR and many with him who have been guilty of throwing acid over their wives faces, should have the same done to them in a public AS punishment and particular over their private parts. Their is in fact no punishment harsh enough for those monsters amongst us. May all the men who have committed such ghastly crimes against the wifes they supposed to love, cherish and protect, be deformed in the same way, and experience what kind of monsters they have become.

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