JI chief slams PPP for being US stooge


Pakistan Jamaat e Islami Ameer, Syed Munawar Hasan, has warned if the parliament took decisions regarding NATO supply restoration against the wishes of the nation, people would come onto the streets and block the supply line and surround the Parliament House. According to a press release issued from Mansoora on Friday, he said this while addressing “Istehkam e Pakistan” procession held in Faisalabad. He said that President Asif Ali Zardari must learn a lesson from Egyptian president Husni Mubarak and other Arab leaders.
“If the NATO supply line is reopened, the President will meet the same fate,” he added. Mean while he insisted that the rulers wanted to prolong their tenure under the patronage of the US. “If the rulers turned their back to hold the general elections for prolonging their office, it will have to face serious consequences,” he warned. He strongly reacted to the Prime Minister’s attitude toward the judiciary. He said the nation asked the CJ when the premier would be put behind bars for openly flouting the apex court’s orders.


  1. Some one explain me if this guy deserves any coverage in the national press. Does anyone pay any attention to his senseless statements? This news article is on for the last 36 hours, and there is no single comment by any reader, including his own party members.
    Edotrial Staff: Pls use your time and space for something better, worthwhile.

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