Brave words


But what are words without action?

What Nawaz Sharif said at a press conference in London is important both on account of the message he has given and the time he has chosen to deliver it. Among other things Nawaz strongly opposed the intervention of the security agencies in politics. The excesses on the part of the agencies are currently under scrutiny in various courts including the Supreme Court. The agencies have been subjected to criticism in the print and electronic media. With a major leader of the opposition now maintaining that they tried their best to woo the PML(N) to make it a part of their conspiracies against the system, the issue gets further highlighted. The remarks are timely because with the induction of a new ISI chief on Sunday, many in the country are expecting a change in the outlook of these agencies. Nawaz has promised to make no compromise on the truth irrespective of whether the establishment likes it or not. Brave words these, but one will have to keep ones fingers crossed for the time being as the promises made by politicians .are like marriage vows that are easily forgotten.

The security agencies exploit the weaknesses inherent in political parties. Despite signing the CoD, these shortcomings are yet to be overcome. While a more sober Nawaz Sharif has avoided repeating the blunder of taking the fight with the PPP to undesirable limits, other PML(N) leaders, with Shahbaz in the forefront, have yet to learn the lessons. His remarks about dragging Zardari in the streets of Lahore, Karachi and Larkana have led to tit-for-tat responses. Like his younger brother, Nawaz too has yet to shed the holier-than-thou posture. While accusing the PPP of showing disrespect to the institutions, he comfortably forgets his own record as prime minister and the remarks given recently by the Lahore High Court about the Punjab government’s treatment of the courts’ orders.

Democracy is the only way forward, yes. But the system requires patience. As agreed in the CoD, whichever party is elected to power has to be allowed to complete its tenure. The demand by Nawaz for immediate elections is indicative of the same impatience which helped the offstage players in the past to play politicians against one another to pave way for the man on the horseback waiting in the wings.


  1. The writer has re-iterated some well-worn observations about the civil vs khaki
    seesaw in our political history . I believe we fail to grasp the true nature of this seesaw because of the defective conceptual framework we impose upon it . That is why we fail to stop its recurrence .
    As it appears to me , the politicians , the khaki ( and the mulla ) are working in a well-
    orchestrated ,though concealed , collaboration to keep the oppressive and exploitative socio-economic order in place , and manipulate the minds of the masses to keep them
    passive and inert .
    There has never been , in spite of appearances to the contrary , any confrotation between these actors . There should not be much difficulty in figuring out their
    collaboratin .When the discontent of exploited masses boils over , the civilian governments are put in place to delude the people that it will empower them and
    lead to their salvation .However , their miseries continue unabated . After some time
    masses become too restive to handled , and a Messiah appears in the khaki to liberate the people from the corrupt politicians .

  2. I agree with Asghar Zaheer 100%. I couldn't have found better words myself. Right on brother :))

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