Al Qaeda leaders hated Fox News: report


Al Qaeda leaders used to hate the American news network Fox News, documents obtained from Osama bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound in Pakistan have revealed. According to the documents and an exclusive Washington Post report, Al Qaeda leaders were ripping Fox News while discussing media strategy. The terror groups’ media adviser,” Adam Gadahn, known as “Adam the American,” was discussing with Osama plans to mark the 10-year anniversary of 9/11 and how to get the word out.
“It should be sent for example to ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN and maybe PBS and VOA. As for Fox News let her die in her anger,” Gadahn told Osama. According to Fox News, the terrorist group’’s mouthpiece went on to vent his rage at America’s top-rated cable news network. “From a professional point of view, they are all on one level except (Fox News) channel, which falls into the abyss as you know, and lacks objectivity, too,” Gadahn added.